chapter 23

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Jin helped you change back into your cold weather gear

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Jin helped you change back into your cold weather gear.  You both laughed as you reached the front door to head out into the cold. 

“Let's hurry" he urged and you ran out into the snow.

You laughed and chased each other the whole way to  your lodge.  As you approached it Jin saw you begin to slip.  He rushed to grab you and refused to put you down until you were safely inside the lodge.

Jin slid you down his body as he closed the door behind him.

The whole evening had been foreplay.  Both of you had spent the entire time aching for the other. 

But now when it was just the two of you, there was no hurry.  A need to relax and take your time with each other hung in the air.

You both quietly shed your boots and heavy coats.  You stood looking at Jin, thinking how beautiful he was.  You padded to him and pressed into him for a kiss. 

Jin stood staring at you.  He was reminded of how beautiful you were and how blessed he was to have your love. 

He held you tight as you tiptoed to kiss him.  He began to move with you to the bedroom.  He turned you around and around in the hall till you stopped him, your hand on his chest.

You bent your forehead to his chest and breathed deeply.  “ You make my head spin,"  when you looked back at him you knew he always would. 

You raised your hands to Jin's bow tie and slowly untied it. You ran your hands under his jacket and slipped it off his shoulders. You untucked his shirt and began to slowly unbutton it. 

You kissed down his chest as it was revealed.   Jin sighed as you took the ends of his tie and pulled him toward the bedroom. 

As you entered the bedroom you dropped the tie to light some candles.

Jin turned to start the fireplace.  As you were starting a playlist Jin came up behind you and pulled your hips to his. He danced you around in a slow circle, sparking your arousal.

You raised your arms behind you, playing you hands in his hair.  Jin danced you around until he could see the two of you in the full mirrors.  You were so beautiful you made him ache.

Jin lowered his head and kissed your neck, following the line of your shoulder peeking out of the dress.  He grabbed handfuls of the skirt, allowing the silk and satin to run through his fingers. 

As you moaned for him, Jin bent you slightly forward and began to unzip the dress. He kissed his way down your back as your delicate skin was exposed.

The zipper stopped at your waist and he paused to kiss your neck.  He removed your arms from around his neck and held your arms to your sides.  He slowly took the shoulders of the dress and slid  them off your body. 

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