chapter 2

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Somehow you managed to make a somewhat dignified exit to the car, much to the disappointment of dozens of your coworkers pressed against the windows watching you leave

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Somehow you managed to make a somewhat dignified exit to the car, much to the disappointment of dozens of your coworkers pressed against the windows watching you leave.

When you arrived at the car, the driver opened your door as Jin slid in the other side. This vehicle was black, an expensive SUV.  The windows were blacked out and the seats were wide and roomy.

As soon as your door closed Jin's arms went around you, pulling you to straddle his lap.  He pressed up into you as his hands caressed you.  His kiss deepened and you felt him
harden beneath you. 

Jin wrapped his arms around you and swung you off his lap to shift your body so that you were beneath him on the car seat.  Your breath was already ragged and every nerve tingled to the touch of Jin's clever fingers.

Jin was kissing his way down your throat, making sure you were comfortable beneath him when the car door opened. 

What the hell!

Outside the door stood one of Jin's teammates.  You were not sure which one just yet because you were looking at him upside down from your position.

Damn. It.  What a way to meet his friends!

“What in the hell are you doing?” Jin shouted as he helped you to sit.

Taking advantage of the space you just vacated, your new friend slid into the car, closed the door and instructed the driver to drive. 

You scrambled to find your seat and buckle your belt.  Jin was scowling .

“Get out” he hissed.

“Can't” the man replied" my driver is bringing her car home then they are taking me to the agency" .

Jin introduced you to the quiet man.

He merely nodded and said “ I am glad to finally meet you.  I am going to sleep"  and giving Jin a pointed look he said “ I will kill you if you start making out again.” And promptly feel asleep.

You spent the rest of the way home holding hands and stealing kisses, making sure not to wake your fellow passenger. 

Finally you made it home.
As you exited the SUV you noticed  your car pull in behind you.  The young man who had gathered the box of things delivered earlier was driving the vehicle.  He opened the back seat and brought the large box up to your door.  He handed the box to Jin and with a bow disappeared into the SUV.

Jin stood watching the car leave as you keyed in the security code. 

You held the door open for Jin as he brought the box inside.  He walked in and threw the box on the floor and quickly turned to you. 

Grabbing your hips he drug you hard against him.  His mouth crushed to yours as he backed you up against the door.  His body pressed into yours, trapping you firmly against the door.

He was slowly grinding his hips against you.  One of his  hands came up to cup your breast to knead and pinch until you were hard and aching in his hand.

He moved to catch both your hands in one of his and raised them above your head.  Breaking his kiss  he looked down at you and growled “We have some unfinished business from that elevator ride".

He bent again to kiss his way down your throat. Using his other hand, he unbuttoned the silk blouse and kissed he way down into it. 

Releasing your hands, he used both of his to roam your body as he licked into your cleavage. He groaned when he found the spot he was seeking.  His spot, his butterfly tattoo just below your collarbone.  He kissed and sucked the delicate area, rolling his hips in concert with his mouth.

His mouth was driving you crazy.  You were shifting and moving your body to fit closer to him, to find relief for the hot ache that was flooding you.  You moaned his name.

“Please…..Please Jin" you breathed against his skin.

He looked up to you and returned his mouth to yours,  tongue sweeping into your mouth, teasing in time with his hips.

He reached to touch your face, moving his fingers down your jaw, grazing your collarbone, stopping to rest on your other breast, rubbing the silk of your shirt and the lace of your bra against your hardened nipple.

His fingers played there for a brief minute before feathering down your stomach, pausing at the waist of your pants.  He smiled and ran his fingers in the waistband the way you often did him.

“Ummm..I like these.  Very nice. Something a bit different, yes?” he asked.

In response, you nodded, waiting for his fingers to move again.

Jin was working to maintain his control.  He had been aroused and aching for you since he got off the plane.  His control was slipping.  He missed you. 

He was torn between ripping everything off and plunging into you and this slow sweet torture. 

The heat and roll of your hips into his hardness was bringing him close to madness. 

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to cool a bit.

MMMMMMMMMM but how I LOVE their reunions!! So glad you are here to share it with me♡

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MMMMMMMMMM but how I LOVE their reunions!! So glad you are here to share it with me♡

Your reads, likes and comments mean so much to me and keep me striving to write!  Don't be shy!

Also, I have decided to update every Monday (at least lol) until I have finished writing the new story I am working on! #fighting

I love y'all!!! Happy Monday💜❤

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