chapter 9

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When you arrived back at your lodge you checked the closet

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When you arrived back at your lodge you checked the closet. 

Just as the man said there were dozens of candles in differing colors, some scented, some plain.  There was a lighter and some extra large towels.  There was also a huge soft rug folded up in the bottom of the closet.  You put it out and the room immediately felt warmer. 

On the top shelf of the closet was an assortment of bath oils and matching soap and bubble bombs.  You picked out a scent that was woodsy with a hint of citrus.  It reminded you of the walk from your lodge to the grand lodge.

You began to arrange the room.  You were so excited! This was definitely going to be a special night.

About 30 minutes after you began, the door bell rang.  Using the security camera you saw 2 woman from the main lodge with large boxes.  You opened the door for them to bring in the heavy containers.

The women began to unpack the boxes with an ease that told you they had done it countless times before.
They smiled at you and gave you helpful instructions. 

One lifted out a thermal bag that container a chilled bottle of champagne.  She showed you where the trays were in the cabinet and lifted down 2 champagne flutes.

The other showed you a tray of meat and cheese and an array of fruit.  It was artfully arranged and placed into the fridge until it was needed. 

A basket was filled with different types of Ramen , rice and other noodles.  There were packages of strips of various kinds of meat.  There was a tray of already chopped vegetables placed in the bottom.  The final touch was a small tabletop grill and various sauces and spices.

You had tears in your eyes when they finished.  This all beyond what you could plan and you were so nervous that you could do justice to all this wonderful stuff.

The ladies both smiled as they left, leaving you a number if you needed anything.  You were excited to get this evening going.

First you jumped in and took a quick shower to freshen up.  You picked a simple pair of jeans and a sweater, because you were not going to be wearing them long anyway.

You placed the candles around and moved the bath things next to the tub. You fussed with arranging things just so. Just as you finished up your text alert sounded.  Jin was on his way.

Jin was cold and sore and all he wanted was to be in some warm place with you.  His heart sped up at the thought of seeing you. 

He opened the door to your lodge to see you standing in the hall, looking around.  Your face glowed when he caught your eye.  He swept you into a hard kiss.  God, he never wanted to let you go.

You were checking to make sure everything was perfect when Jin walked in.  Your heart fluttered just like the first time he touched you. He swept you into his arms and You prayed that he would never let you go.

Jin sat down and you helped his pull off his ski bibs and heavy boots.  You pulled the toboggan off his head and laughed at his hair.  He rubbed his head into your hands, laughing “fix it."

His silk long underwear left little to the imagination and you could see him starting to stir under your caresses.

As he stood you leaned on tip toe to kiss him.  He sighed into your mouth and simply held you for several minutes.

“Did you have a good day?” you asked, absently rubbing your hands across his shoulders.

“ahhhh…” he relaxed under your hands “Ahh..yes…..even better now.  I have been thinking about you all day" He Tightened his arms around you and kissed you until your knees buckled. 

Feeling you wobble, he pulled down to look at your face.  “ I want you…” he said between kisses “now."

You nodded at him and took a step away .

“Give me just a few minutes, I'll be right there “ he said, stepping into the hall bathroom.

As soon as the door closed, you ran flying, dragging your clothes off as you went.

You threw your clothes in the closet and pulled on the deep purple silk robe you bought on a whim. You belted the belt snugly and stepped into the master bath.  Everything was ready for Jin.

You never imagined this setting when you bought the robe, but it could not be more perfect.  The flames in the fireplace were picking up the red glints in your hair. The deep purple of the robe set off the fiery highlights and in contrast to your skin make you appear to be even more pale and fragile. 

The silk was drawn closely around your breasts outlining them perfectly. The silk flowed around your hips and thighs like liquid amethyst, catching in your movement, clinging to your hips, caressing the juncture of your thighs.

In that moment you felt absolutely beautiful.

You could hear Jim humming down the hall.  He had just entered the bedroom.  Your heart was about to hammer out of your chest. 

He called out to you as he entered the room, puzzled that he did not see you.

One last check to make sure everything was in place, you called out to him, your voice sounding husky even to you.

“I am in here Jin" you said.  Then you waited.

Oh my my my!! Happy Monday!!!

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Oh my my my!! Happy Monday!!!

WARNING:  it IS getting hot in here!!
And, just a heads up...I have entered my writing in several contests and one of the constructive criticisms I received was that the "intimate time" went on for several chapters and that was a little too much.  (I understand, but this is just how my mind thinks - in details!)
If this bugs you too, feel free to skip the next several updates...but please come back- I think this night is top 2 favorite I have written!!!!

Plus...I am in LOVE with this color!!

I am in LOVE with this color!!

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