chapter 10

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Jin was legitimately puzzled when he did not see you on the bed, or in the closet or by the window.

Concern turned to curiosity and then desire as he heard your voice calling him from “your “ bathroom. 

He realized he had never paid attention to the door in the far corner, had never really even seen it open.

Jin stepped in the doorway and stopped, stunned at what he saw.  He was sure you could see his heart thrashing in his bare chest.

Damn, you thought- he is so unbelievably beautiful. 

Jin had thrown off his shirt and left on the silk underwear.  His skin glowed caramel in the fire light.  He had brushed his hair back away from his forehead, making you ache to tangle your fingers in it, to bring it to disarray in your passion. 

His shoulders were impossibly wide, his waist small, his chest and abdomen hard and muscled.  Eyes drifting further you noted that he was beginning to get aroused.  You could not wait to get your hands on him.  You waited to see what his reaction would be.

Jin was in sensory overload.  He was trying to find a focal point but he was greedily trying to absorb it all at once.

Sexy soul music was playing quietly in the background. There were dozens of candles giving off a soft glow. He glanced quickly around the part of the room he had entered.  The toilet was set apart into a small private room.  There was a  huge glass shower with a bench and multiple rainheads against one wall.  A large vanity sat opposite shower with a full wall  of mirrors catching reflections from every corner of the room.

However, all of that faded as his eyes found the end of the room.

There was a large bank of windows and he could see the snow and shadows cast by the full moon.

In front of the windows was a stone wall with steps leading up to a wide ledge in front of a fireplace.  Beneath the ledge was a huge bathtub with a waterfall faucet, currently filling with hot water and bubbles. 

The smell of cedar and citrus wafted from the bubbles. A bottle of champagne was chilling on one of the steps and on another was a tray filled with a selection of fruit and finger foods.

All of that slowly registered in the back of his mind, but he was having trouble breathing, moving, because of you.

Jin had to tell himself to breathe.  He blinked, then blinked again, trying to decide if this was a dream. 

Then he saw you. 

His mouth went completely dry once he found you perched on the ledge above the tub.  Just the sight of you sent a hard jolt to his heart, then rapidly south as his body responded.

You had not even moved, he had not even touched you and he felt like he could explode.

You were seated on the stone ledge, leaning back slightly on your hands, ankles crossed playing in the water as the tub filled. A low fire burned behind you, casting shadows and picking up the auburn glints in your hair. 

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