chapter 11

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Jin plunged his hand in the ice cold water to grab the champagne bottle

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Jin plunged his hand in the ice cold water to grab the champagne bottle.  The frigid water cooled his arousal a bit and he tried to concentrate on opening the bottle.

Leaning close to you, Jin was watching the cork of the bottle as he worked to dislodge it.  It was being a bit difficult and Jin jostled the bottle to open the cork.

The sudden loud pop startled you both as the champagne burst from the bottle , spilling onto you,  the cold bubbly liquid freely flowing down your body. 

You gasped in surprise as the cold liquid sprayed across your chest, soaking the silk robe and causing it to mold to your breasts, the chill and the fizz causing your breasts to fully pucker under the damp fabric.

The golden liquid  flowed across your breasts and down your pale stomach, dripping down onto your thighs, some dripping into your very core. You shuddered at the sensations, your senses overcome as you caught Jin following the course of the champagne.

Jin yelped in surprise as the cork popped from his hand.  He was unprepared for the eruption of the contents of the bottle and shocked when the cold liquid covered you. 

He was immediately concerned about the mess he made, but as soon as he saw the results on your body he could not breathe. 

He took in the silk clinging to your breasts, the chill and the fizz making them pucker hard.  Catching your gaze, he noticed you shudder at the sensation.  Tiny rivulets of champagne ran down your body, drawing his eyes down into your warmth, daring his fingers, his mouth to follow.

“Fff.ffff..fuck…” he finally managed, leaning close to you and licking a drop of liquid from the pulse point in your neck. 

As his mouth touched you, you groaned and he was unbound.

Jin placed his hands on your arms. Holding you in place, he began to lick and suck his way down your body.  You were incapable of coherent thought.

You body was responding to pure sensation, the trickle down your body, the slight tingle from the fizz, the cold trail it left slowly being devoured by the heat of Jin's mouth, the sensation of his tongue licking it away, his teeth biting his way to the next drop.

You were struggling to press into Jin as he worked his way down your body. Your hips were rolling and arching, trying to find relief.

His gentle hands pushed you back as his tongue worked it's way down your belly. He was cursing and groaning your name, meeting your moans and hitched breaths.

You leaned back into the nest of large towels you had left on the ledge.  Jin raised his dark head to look at you before he teased into your most intimate place. 

The firelight played over your hair and skin.  The champagne soaked robe was clinging to you like a second skin.  He had left a trail of marks down your skin that kindled a primitive fire within him.

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