Chapter 3

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On Friday, April 24, 2017, when I got home from work, I went and talked with Andrea like I always do. We always talked about how our days went. Anyway, while we were talking, she told me she caught Daquan in Isabella's room earlier that morning. I asked her if she asked Daquan what he was doing. She told me he wouldn't answer her. That night when my brother and dad got home from work, things got worse. After about three hours we finally found out by he was in there. From what we gathered; Daquan had raped her. Finding this out, sent my father and me into a range of emotions. The biggest one was anger. Between my father and me, Daquan ended up being left with bruises and it was a lot. It took me back and forth. My dad had to literally get me off him.

I couldn't believe it. The more I processed it the angrier I got. I just couldn't believe my brother would hurt our baby sister. I mean it just got me all kinds of shaky. At 9:30 pm, my dad told Daquan to go sit outside on the porch. He couldn't look at him. The next day things got even worse. On April 29, 2017, things got real. While I was at work on my break, I saw I had a voicemail. When I listened to the voicemail it was the police calling me. I called the number back and I ended up talking to the police about my brother. They wanted to come and talk to me. I got nervous about them coming to the job. I didn't want everyone j worked with judging me. I didn't know what was going to happen. I hurried and went straight to my manager and explained the situation to get and asked if it was okay if I left.

I couldn't believe Daquan had walked all the way to Columbia. When she let me go, I got my stuff and started walking. I called the cop back and let him know where I was. When I was walking across the lot, I saw him, and he pulled over into the median. When we got back to the house, it looked like a for-real crime scene. I couldn't fathom what was going on. There were so many cops and then they wouldn't let us in the house. We were outside for a good while. They had all of us write a statement about what happened. We called our great aunt for her to come and take Daquan. When she got there, things were fine at first. We were talking and things like that. Andrea called her sister Alisha to come and everything. Well, things went crazy from there.

Alisha and great aunt Lisa got into it. They were arguing in the yard. My dad had to get in between them and stop it. The cops made sure Daquan left the premises before anything else. Apparently, Daquan had told the cops there was a blood bath and Andrea helped clean it up. It was bad. They took all of Bella's bed set. They tore the trash apart looking for evidence. Bella's room smelled since they used some type of spray or whatever you detect fingerprints and anything else to help for clues. The worse of it was when we had to get Bella to the hospital for a rape kit. Andrea didn't then go. She was too worried about her money is missing. There was a part of me which just wanted to reach out and smack her. I thought about it and realized it wasn't a good thing.

My dad, me, Alisha, my sister Allison and her boyfriend Jared all went to the hospital with Bella. It was weird. We couldn't go into the room with her. Between Allison, Jared and me, we just kept giving each other looks and trying to distract ourselves. Through the next couple of months, things got crazy. My dd and Andrea argued here and there. Andrea would get on me about having Daquan on my social media and all that. Andrea literally put a tracker on my dad. The evidence from the rape kit came up with nothing and so did from the police. It's an experience I will never forget, I will tell you that. There are days when I think back to that day, and I feel sad and I feel horrible because none of that should have happened. In fact, I'm sure none of it would have happened.

As April ended things seemed to start getting back into a routine. It was a different routine, but it was w routine none the less. Once the month of May began, I was getting used to working at Zaxby's. I was starting to write journal entries again. I originally only had the one on Wordpress which I didn't think most people we're reading. I soon learned otherwise. Of course, everything has been the truth and I was just finding myself lost and I was posting on LiveJournal and then Penzu. With all my journals combined, I have become way better with my feelings and putting them on paper. With putting will my thoughts on paper its a wonder how I'm still able to speak at this point. Yet, I know it's because I have been through the wringer enough times to know when to let it out and when not to.

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