Chapter 15

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I have made many friends in the past five years. Two of my friends I met through a dating site. I like the fact they are very truthful and know how to keep me on my toes. The others I have met at work. They know me inside and out. They each have something unique about them. They do things in their own style. They can keep me laughing and smiling at the same time.

I had my first best friend when I was in elementary school. We met when we were in kindergarten. Our moms were best friends when they were kids. We liked to jump rope and sing all the time. It was fun for us.

A physical feature of mine I like is my smile. I like my smile because when I'm smiling the sadness around me disappears. My former coworkers have told me many times about how I shouldn't let people take my smile away from me. I know smiling can get to me through the day better than me crying and being sad.

My home is usually neat. It's usually neat because my great grandmother and I clean up. With it just being the two of us we make sure everything is done. My great grandmother has her standards and I have mine. For us, we work as a team to make sure the house isn't a mess.

A part of the job I love is being able to serve the customers. I love serving the customers because they make my job what it is. Their satisfaction with their food is what matters. I like the smiles and enjoyment I see when the customers get what they've asked for. I know customers can be difficult but if you provide then with what they want it will be okay.

A part of my job I loathe is the fact the people are most of the time lazy. It's not right in my eyes. The one who is on the counter has to take orders and clean the dining room but everyone else just stands around and gossips.

A time I won something was when I was in high school. I used to enter these poetry contests. I ended up winning the contest five times. I was big on my poetry back then. I didn't mind entering because I knew it would be fun. Having my poems be published made me happy.

I don't think my home town is a good place to live in. I don't think it's a good place to live because it's expensive to live there. The city can be packed and you never know what's going to happen.

I do not fit my astrological sign. I don't fit my sign because I am very emotional whereas a Gemini speaks their mind and lives their life to the fullest. They enjoy going to different places. Even though I like traveling there is still a part of me which hares moving place to place. I only get to truly speak my mind when people around me make me ticked off.

It's actually never morally acceptable to lie. It's not acceptable to lie because either way you can end up in trouble. It's easier, to tell the truth, and face the consequences. Lying can get you in tons of trouble. It can also lead you to have to lie even more. When it comes to lying it never works out. It's just best to not even attempt to do it. Even if the truth is horrible it's just easier to deal with.

A trait I inherited or picked up from a parent is my work ethic. I am a very hard worker. I give me all to it. I get it from my mom. I work hard just like she does.

One of the most important qualities I think people should look for in a romantic partner is valuing their partner's needs and wants as well as their own. It's about two people, not just one.

A quality I think is overrated when choosing a partner is looks. Just because a person looks good it doesn't mean he is going to treat you with the respect you want in the bedroom. You want someone who is going to show you they care even in the bedroom. They have to be able to express compassion and true feelings. A connection is good. Going after looks isn't always a smart choice.

A kind of exercise or physical activity I enjoy is dancing.  I enjoy dancing because it gives me a good vibe. I get my exercise that way.

What I wish people knew about my job profession or calling in life is just because it looks simple it doesn't mean every day will be easy. Something I love about the people in my country us we embrace the culture. I love the fact we all get to learn various languages and try different foods.

An external situation that I have been struggling with for years is my parents and certain relatives showing me respect. I dislike they want to try and control every part of my life.

Something I wish I could change about the people in my country us the racism. I wish I could change it because there are too many children growing up hating certain races. I get not liking people but it goes too far. There are black people being put in jail more than white people. There is always a problem when black people want to date a white or person of another race. It's just not right in my eyes. It's ridiculous to me how people act.

Something I misunderstood as a child was why there had to be a ton of bad things happen in the world. It was like no matter what you did there was something on the news about something horrible happening. When I was a kid the Two Twin Towers were attacked. It didn't make sense to me until I became a teenager and we were truly learning about it.

I would have to say I am a mix of both an introvert and an extrovert. The benefits of being an introvert are I can spend time by myself and feel fine. I can amuse myself and not have to worry. The benefits of being an extrovert are I am a people person. I am able to get along with people and I am able to bond with someone with just one thing. I am able to accumulate friends and acquaintances.

The biggest challenge of being both an introvert and an extrovert is meeting in the middle sometimes.

A time I spoke up for something I believed in was at my former job. There was a girl who said something to one of the other girls we were working with and she was laughing. I explained to her it wasn't right. I felt good because I know what it feels like when you are being bullied or get told something which makes you want to hit someone. There weren't any consequences since we all talked it out.

I do want to have children one day. I want the chance to have a family of my own. I think if I can have myself together financially and the correct way I will be able to give then more than what I have. I know there are many people in this world who don't have the opportunity to do so. I know I will have to work harder than most. I will do it and stand tall for my kids.

A time when a friend or a group of them had made my day was when I was back in high school. My friends gave me an intervention and signed me up for the wellness center. I was suicidal at the time. They made my day because they were there for me. With them being there for me during that time we are still friends to this day.

One experience I had at the dentist's office was when I went for my periodontal cleaning. The dentist showed me what my teeth looked like all around. I was grossed out and wanted to constantly scrub my teeth. They started with the bottom left side of my mouth. They gave me a prescription for peroxyl. It's a type of mouthwash I had to use for six months.

My dream home is a giant house. It would be spacious. I would have a room where I could write. I would have a big living room for when I had a company. The kitchen would be big too. It would be for when the family gets together for the holidays. I would have enough room for me and my children if I had any. I would have a guest room for when people would want to spend the night.

In my lifetime so far I have had many teachers or bosses who have supported or inspired me. These same teachers are the ones I still talk to even now. They have inspired me to keep writing. They don't let me give up on myself. They have seen my writing and they know I can go far.

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