《 intro

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| dear rory |

planned pregnancies & sudden romances.


"nini, did you just nickname my daughter after a character on gilmore girls?!"

"nini, did you just nickname my daughter after a character on gilmore girls?!"

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W H O !



"within yourself is the most romantic story you'll ever find. fall in love with yourself and who you truly are in first place little nina..."


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"it just fits, you know? i- i've never been so sure about something."


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"it's not exactly about bloodline, genetics or whatever, it's about the love and bond we will create, and guess what? that is what makes it fucking wonderful,"

"it's not exactly about bloodline, genetics or whatever, it's about the love and bond we will create, and guess what? that is what makes it fucking wonderful,"

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"give the world your biggest smile, momma bear! cause you know what? pain is unavoidable but suffering is optional!"

"give the world your biggest smile, momma bear! cause you know what? pain is unavoidable but suffering is optional!"

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S U M M A R Y !

in which, different people will suddenly be connected to the arrival of a baby.

a bussiness woman who wants to be a mom, a hopeless girl who needs money with urgency, a college student who was dared to do something he would later feel guilty about and an innocent uber driver who was dragged to the mess they all created.

a beautiful crying mess.


W A R N I N G !

this book has mentions of illegal practices (kind of), violence, abuse of many types, mentions of sex and sexual references (not smut), bad and strong use of language, so yeah slight mature content.

but also, fluffiness, laughs and cheesy moments, because i love those. you've been warned.


A U T H O R S  N O T E !

hi! new story! i am super glad to be out of my writing comfort zone for once which is usually scifi or horror and write something realistic and unrealistic at the same time, you'll see why soon enough! but while we all wait...

welcome to dear rory! i took some inspiration from a tv show but i didn't like how they handled the plot there ugh its been like two years and im still mad! but lol it'll be very different so don't worry

this was a fic i started like two years ago? idk it was a mileven fic. i remember i wrote the first ten chapters and i didn't continue it. as time passed i lost interest and decided to unpublish it. recently, i re-read it and i thought it would make a really sweet rini fic so here it is!

i had to make several changes but im excited! :)

thoughts? i know i suck for intros and edits in general but give it a try ♡

enough of me rambling nonsense! see you all in the prologue!

dear rory. rini au.Where stories live. Discover now