Hear me out!

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Authors Note : I know i haven't updated in like wo days sorry about that anyway i am updating now so yay!


Becky’s POV :

“Percy, you shouldn’t be here” I said while trying to close the door

 He put his foot inbetween the door and the door frame

 “PERCY PLEASE LEAVE!” I begged but he just stood there with a look of regret on his face

 “Fine I’ll go but please believe when I say”he sighed

 “I.. I love you “ with that said he left I stood there shocked at what he had just said

 I tried to brush it off and went to bed,I sighed with relief he is finally going to leave me alone.

 I did an awkward happy dance in bed and then fell asleep.

 Skyler’s POV :

 Things between me and Niall are going great we have not had any fights or disagreements and I was happy.

 I was a bit worried though Niall went out last night for a walk and he still hasn’t came back and I’m worried.

 I decieded to go out and look for him, I took Liam’s car keys and went out to the car.

 I have been looking for him for a half an hour and there is still no sign of him.

 Just then I saw a shaggy blonde haired boy being pushed against a wall in an ally being kissed by in my terms I would call a slut.

 I got out of the car and started walking slowly over towards them

The girl pulled away just enough for me to see the guy.

 I was shocked it was Niall.

 Niall noticed me standing there and pushed the girl off of him

 “Skyler its not what it looks like I swear”he pleaded

 “THEN WHAT WAS IT NIALL…”I trailed off

 “i….”but I cut him off

 “Save it Niall don’t bother we’re over”what I just said broke my heart and I could tell Niall’s heart was broken to as soon as I said it he fell to his knees and sobbed.

 My eyes started to get watery I got back into the car and drove to the boys flat.

 When I arrived Harry was there and he saw me

 “Skyler what happened”he asked with a worried expression

 “Niall…Niall cheated on me”I spit out through sobs.

 “HEWHAT”Harry shouted

 For what seemed like hours I sat on the couch with Harry by my side telling me everything was going to be alright.

 After about an hour Niall barged in through the door,you could tell he had been crying by the red marks under his eyes and the way the were all puffy I say mine were the same.

 “Niall can I talk to you in the kitchen ?”Harry asked

 Niall nodded and followed Harry.


 “Harry I swear it was not what it looked like”Niall sobbed


“The girl was a fan and she asked could she have a photo I said yes ,we went outside because she said the lighting was bad and then she pushed me against the wall and kissed me”Niall cried

 I actually believed what he said it did look like he was being forced.

 I walked into the kitchen just in time I saw Harry raise his hand ready to hit Niall but I stopped him.

 “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE HURT YOU SKYLER” Harry asked a little confused

 “I believe him” whispered to Harry

 “You heard that”Harry whispered back so Niall couldn’t hear.

 I nodded and Harry left the room,there was an awkward silence.

 “Skyler hear me out I didn’t kiss her I swear”I begged

 “I believe you Niall” I said

 His eyes opened wide and he hugged me.

 “But how I didn’t tell you “he asked confused

 “I heard when you told Harry “I said

 He nodded and a huge smile came across his face.

He leaned down and kissed me sweetly

 “what was that for “I whispered

 “Sorry about what happened”I giggled and kissed him again.

Lorna’s POV :

 It was starting to get dark so I decided to go over to the boys flat.

 When I arrived I saw Damon I ran up and hugged him he hugged me back and we went in.

 No one was there it was quite mysterious actually

 The apartment was dark except for little candles that were randomly placed everywhere.

 Right in the middle of the room there was a candle lit dinner I was confused until Damon took my hand and led me over towards the tables and I sat down.

 “what is all th”but he cut me off

 “shh Lorna”he whispered

 Then he got on one knee pulled out a box and said

“Lorna Perry, will you marry me”

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