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Authors Note : Thanks for all the reads i would really appreciate it if you fanned and voted it would mean the world and sorry if i don't upload loads because i started school and its hard to fit it all in sorry but hope you like this chapter.

Harrys POV :

We had all arrived in Nandos,we were just waiting on Skyler and Niall so we could call the waitress over to order.A few minutes late Skyler and Niall walked in hand in hand i loved how close they were they are and always will be a cute couple.When they sat down Niall had a huge smile plastered on his face i smiled back and we ordered.

Damons POV :

I  took Lorna home and put her in bed even though it was early she was knackered i laid down besides her and watched her sleep (i know extremely perverted) but she was cute when she sleep i untangled myself from her grasp and made my way to the door and left without leaving a note but it was too late and plus i needed to hunt i should probably tell Lorna that I'm a vampire soon but i have to talk to Stefan.

Nialls POV :

The boys,Becky,Skyler and I were all having a great time in Nandos we practically ordered the whole menu and had the staff going mental it was an amazing night.Harry was attempting  to flirt with the girls but they were just not interested in him which was a shocker to me and the lads,when Harry was flirting with the girls i could see the anger and jealousy going threw Becky's head just by her eyes if she kept looking at Harry like that he is going to have two holds in his head,i would love to see him get girls if that did happen.I could tell Skyler  could see that Becky was hurt but she didn't know why either we thought she was over Harry.

Beckys POV :

Seeing Harry flirting with those girls made me extremely jealous,NO what am i thinking i don't have feeling for Harry.Since i met these boys my life has been messed up but it has been fun i have to admit.When Harry had ran out of pick up lines he came back over and put his arm around my shoulder,even though i loved it so much i shouldn't i moved over towards Zayn and Harry's arm slid away his face dropped and he looked hurt i felt sorry but just because he couldn't get with those girls doesn't mean i will come crawling back to him.

Harrys POV :

I have to admit it to myself i had feeling for Becky but hey who wouldn't she is beautiful i was going to stop flirting with those girls but i couldn't its a bad habit i have had for quite awhile and plus those girls were not my type and Becky was.

Skylers POV :

After an awkward silence i stood up and pulled Niall up by the arm.

"We are going shopping see ya's all later ok"i yelled back as i exited Nandos with Niall racing after me i laughed.I continued up to Penny's and just as i was about to walk through the door i felt Niall's strong arms lift my up by my waist he turned me around to face him before i knew it our noses were touching i was staring into his big blue eyes.

"Do we have to go to Pennys"he whined placing me on the ground

"Yes yes we do Niall"

"But why there are much better shops around here anyway"he whined and pouted giving me the puppy dog look.

"Yes there may be but i don't have enough money to buy anything in them,remember Niall your the pop star not me"i smirked,he chuckled and picked me up and running towards Hollister.

"Niall i cant afford any of this"i said as he began throwing loads of clothes at me that he was picking of the hangers.

"Then i will buy it for you m'lady"he smiled and bowed i giggled and hugged him.

"I cant let you do that i said running out of the shop and straight into a taxi that brought me home.

I sat down and fell asleep on the couch while watching Friends.

"Skyler wake up i have a surprise for you"i heard a familiar Irish accent whisper i opened my eyes to see fifteen Hollister bags spread out around the sitting room.

"Niall did you buy the whole shop"i chuckled.

"Maybe"he said sounding like a five year old.

"You will never wear that much clothes Nialler"i whispered into his ear on the way to the kitchen,he laughed at something.

"There not for me there for someone very special to me"he smiled,Niall your mom would never where Hollister i chuckled.

"Shut up and by the way she does,Skyler there for you"he laughed at my expression.

"Niall why did you do that,how much was it I'm paying you back"was all i managed to slip out.

"You are not paying me back and plus you don't want to know"he smiled and turned on the TV and began flicking threw the channels.

Beckys POV :

We had just gotten back to Zayn's apartment and the boys were gone.Then out of the blue i heard Zayn yell.

"Whats wrong"i yelled politly as possible.

"You know whats wrong"he shouted at me,i was angry and puzzled i had no idea what i did,but before i could say anything he stormed out of the apartment and left without saying anything else what had gotten into him.

After i had calmed down and watched some movies i heard a knock on the door.I ran over and opened the door to see PERCY.

"PERCY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE"I squealed,you see Percy was my best friend but things got awkward when he told me he had a crush on me and we became distant but before we could become friends again he moved to England and i never saw him again.

"i cam here to see you"he said while looking down at his shoes.

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