Who Died ?

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Skyler’s POV :

My head was thumping but all I could think about was who was that one person in the car who was dead I was so scared. I tried to remember as mush as I could about the previous night but my memory was completely blank.

Then a doctor came in looking quite upset.

“How do you feel Skyler” he said while flipping over his clipboard.

“Fine doctor I just have a few blackouts” I replied sounding extremely groggy.

“Well I suppose you would be after being legally dead for 4 minutes” he mumbled.

“What I died, I remember hearing the doctor saying someone in the same car as me was dead but I thought it was someone else but how could I have heard that if he already knew I was dead” I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

“Yes Skyler you did die but you woke up which is fantastic, your boyfriend has been crying constantly and visiting from 7 in the morning to 3 in the morning you are very lucky to have him” I nodded and he looked at me intently.

“Where is he” I asked tilting my head to the side because it still really hurt and I wanted to see if that would ease the pain but no it didn’t it made it worse.

“He is in the hallway crying he still thinks you dead I will bring him in” he nodded and walked out of the room.

Within a few minutes a worried looking Niall practically jumped threw the silver door and over to the bed.

“Oh Skyler I thought I lost you forever” he panted

“Niall I thought it was you I lost I am so glad I can see you again how are you are you hurt how are the boys?” I rushed out; he put his hands on my shoulders

“There all fine just some harmless cuts and as for me just a fractured rib but im all bandaged up” he said pointing to his rib cage that had a huge bandage wrapped tightly around it I smiled and he kissed me lightly but I felt tingles go down my spine when ever he did that.

“The doctor said you could leave now so lets get going I haven’t told the boys your alive yet so there all crying like wussys at the house” he said which made me giggle.

“Oh so you weren’t crying either even though I was dead” I pointed to his big puffy red bags under his eyes he laughed and hugged me tightly.

“Of course I cried I love you Skyler” he whispered and kissed my forehead

Those four words made my head go mad with tingles I know Niall had said he loves me loads of times but I never really knew I did love him. I did love him but I believed this was just a brief romance but now I know I love him and want to be with him for the rest of my life.

“I love you too Mr.Horan”I giggled he smiled and kissed me again.


Authors Note: I know it was a bit cheesy but cheesy is my specialty I hope you like it: P x

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