Wondering why Damon is in jail

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Authors Note : I know my chapters have been really short lately and im going to try and make them a little bit longer but not all of them i just write the little bit i have in my mind oh and please fan me i would really appreciate it thanks :P x


Niall's POV :

After Skyler told me why she was in shock i couldn't believe it so i said we had to figure out why so we all went into the sitting room and turned on the new and then right in front of our eyes the reporter says the exact thing we were looking for only  we all wish it hadn't."We are on the scene of a horrible murder scene a Young man has just killed 80 people and injured 15 around Raymond's Cinema."How could Damon do that to those innocent people?!".]

"i don't know Niall"Skyler said hugging me.I hugged her tightly i was really pissed off at Damon if a girl breaks up with me i sulk and then get over it i don't go out and kill people like what the hell.

Skylers POV :

I could tell that Niall was really annoyed at Damon for what he done and so was Stefan but Stefan looked like he was going to kill Damon now that i think about it these two brothers were complete opposites.

Lornas POV :

I cant believe Damon hurt all those innocent people and i knew Stefan was angry because he tensed beside me,but i dont know why he had never met Damon at all maybe he just felt sorry for all those innocent people well i didnt care i was just really annoyed with Damon.

Stefans POV :

Damon you idiot why did you do that they were innocent people you really have to learn how to control your anger like you were perfectly happy drinking your anger away what happened to that,i remembered when he used to be the sensible one and i was the crazy one oh how I'm so glad that part of my life was over but I'm still so glad he hasn't exposed we are vampires yet he has hid it very well from everybody.

I'm just wondering how much longer it will last before he ends up  in jail again and he will have all so tell the whole world about vampires that day will be fan-dippy-daisy wont it ok i think I'm going mad I'm talking to myself in my mind oh god I'm turning into him.

Beckys POV :

I was really happy to be out of the house i preferred it out in the open me and Zayn decided to go for a walk it was really peaceful and quite and i think i am beginning to get over Harry and Zayn is such a sweet i wonder why i haven't noticed this before.

Zayns POV : 

Becky is amazing in so many ways she is beautiful,funny,cute and out going she is just amazing in so many ways i really like her like really really really like her i just hope she begins to feel the same way.

Skyler's POV :

"Ehhhh guys i don't know if I'm the only one who noticed but where are LOUIS AND LIAM"i screamed "Love calm down Louis brought Eleanor to France and Liam brought Danielle to Florida yesterday they wont be back for two weeks" Niall said which made me sigh with relief.

I thought they might have gone to jail too but i knew Liam and Louis acted like children but they would never do anything stupid enough to get them put in jail or would they i began to wonder to myself but got interupted by Becky and Zayn walking in the door absolutely drenched to the bone.

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