meeting the boys

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Authors note:So this is chapter 3 and i hope this one will be good so i hope you enjoy :P x


Skyler's POV:

After we had drank our coffee Niall decided to bring me to meet his 4 best friends.So i agreed and we got in the car after our 2 hour long conversation in the cafe me and Niall have became closer on the way to his friends flat we sat closer ,closer than friends do and he had his arm around my waist but i didn't mind i didn't mind at all.

Nialls POV:

When we got into the car Skyler sat really close to me but i didn't care i had to admit to myself i had feeling for her and nothing was going to change that.Since we were so close i decided to put my arm around her waist but as soon as she did she moved a bit but she didn't move away she moved closer maybe i was wrong maybe she did have some feelings like i had for her but know i just i had to think how i was going to ask her out.When we finally arrived i got out and held the door open for her and helped her out we walked into the huge building and to the elevator and when we stepped in her hand slid into mine and held on tight.I was going to ask her if she was alright but that would have probably made her think i didn't want to  hold her hand so i kept my mouth shut and stared into her eyes and when we reached level 6 we stepped out of the elevator.Within a few seconds we were bombarded by my 4 friends.When i looked at Skyler i noticed she seemed a bit tense maybe she was shy i thought to myself.

Skylers POV:

When 4 boys came running towards us i have to admit i got a little bit shy and a little bit scared but then i felt Niall's hand squeeze mine gently and i looked up at him and stared into his big blue eyes and i suddenly felt alright again."this is Harry,Zayn,Louis and Liam he said pointing at them i shook their all their hands apart from Louis who picked me up and gave me a bear hug.While Louis was giving me a bear hug i never let go of Niall's hand and when i was in Louis arms i could fell him tensing up so i squeezed his hand and he looked and me and i winked at him and he began to blush.After Louis put me down Niall led me away from the boys and into his room just before i left the room i heard Harry yell "Have fun but not too much if you know what i mean" then i heard him scream and i ran out to see what had happened Louis had punched him in the gut for saying that i started laughing and by mistake snorted and all the boys fell on the ground laughing at me as i began to blush.When  everybody stopped laughing at me i made my way back to Niall's room to find him lying on his bed reading a magazine i ran up and jumped on the bed and then lay beside him and put my head in the crook in his neck.

Nialls POV:

She put her head in the crook of my neck and i felt the spark all over again and i knew i had feelings for her and i wasn't going to let her get away.So i took my chances i threw the magazine into the corner of the room and it made a big bang and then i heard Harry in the sitting room "i told them not to have too much fun "Harry said and then got hit in the gut again i could tell by his high pitched girl scream and it made me chuckle.I  lifted Skyler off my bed wedding style and sat her up right i looked straight into her eyes and before i could say anything i felt her lips crush mine the kiss didn't last as long as the other one but i didn't care i stood up and sat beside her,"whats wrong Niall" she asked while pouting."Em Skyler i know i have only known you for a day but...."i whispered. "but " she said confused. i pecked her lips and kept her lips inches from mine and whispered "will you be my girlfriend" i waited for her to say no but instead she stood up and grabbed my face in her hands which made me stand up and kissed me i put my arms around her waist and she lifted her legs up and wrapped her legs around my waist i went over and stood on the bed and broke our kiss i whispered in her ear "i take that as a yes" and she nodded i was the happiest guy in the world


Authors note :i hope you liked this chapter aw they are cute together so i cant wait to write the next chapter bye for now x :P

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