Phew!(and a bit of Damon and Lorna time)

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Authors Note :

Hey, guys i would have posted two chapters today but i was looking for a new cover for my book i was trying to find the right one but sadly i can't seem to find it so i left it for a while and decided to write a chapter so here we go hope you likey!


Lorna's POV :

I woke up to voices coming from Niall and Skyler's room so i got up and went over to the wall and put my ear against it to hear what they were saying.

"Yo mama so fat when she sits on an IPhone it becomes and IPad "Skyler shouted with a weird accent Niall laughed and then it went silent.

"pffft,porbably kissing 'again!"i muttered.

When i heard them exit the room i walked into the bathroom and brought a towel with me, i stripped down and hopped into the shower and let the steaming water refresh my skin.

While i was in the shower i was thinking me and Damon have had quite a lot of fights and not a lot of romantic times none at all come to mind so maybe we could do something tonight.

I thought about it for awhile and then i hopped out of the shower and put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white poka dot t-shirt,i applied a tiny bit of miscara and exited the bathroom happy enough with my look.

I wondered downstairs and put on some toast for myself then headed towards the sitting room to see Louis and Harry sleeping with their arms wrapped around each other.

I whipped out my phone and took a picture for twitter,definitely a Larry Stylinson moment but as soon as i took the picture their eyes fluttered open with a devious glint in them.

"Delete it and nobody gets hurt"Louis said camly stepping towards me.

"NEVER!"i yelled running away, they were hot on my trail but i took a quick turn and lost them i hid in a small closet that only me Becky and Skyler knew about.

I stayed silent for god knows how long and then i heard muttering

"Where are you poppet"i giggled quietly at Harry's failed attempt at a line from Pirates Of The Caribbean.

After about an hour they gave up so i crept out of my hiding place thinking the cost was clear but i thought wrong as soon as i stepped out Harry and Louis pounced on me tackling me to the ground.

"Give us your phone" Harry said trying to stay serious but you could tell he would burst out laughing any moment.

"ILL NEVER TELL,NEVER!" i yelled hoping someone would hear me and stop them from deleteing the picture it was so cute !

"Oh really, oh whats this then "Louis said sliding my phone out of my back pocket he ginned at me.

"Oh shit Hazza she has a password"he moaned

"Fine if she wont tell we will make her"Harry said looking cheeky,what was he going to do.

Louis picked me up and brought me to Harry's room and sat me down on a chair.

Harry grabbed some rope and tied my hands to the chair

Harry laughed at my expression.

"We aren't going to rape ya or anything just do this"he laughed and then jumped on me tickling me to death.

"Okay Okay i'll tell you 2 i said between laughs

They stopped tickling me and that gave me just enough time to yell.


Harry and Louis laughed at my words i smiled back and they laughed even more.

Just then Damon burst through the door.

"Lorna what happened!" he asked as if i was going to be killed well i could see where his reaction would come from.

"I am fine but they keep tickling me to get my phone password because i took a picture of them, help me out of this "i said looking at my hands.

Harry,Louis and Damin burst out laughing at me.

Eventually Damon untied my hands and we walked downstairs hand in hand.

"Emm Lorna maybe if you want we could go get something to eat maybe as a date"he asked nervously

"I was just about to ask you the same thing"i slightly screamed with happiness

"I guess we could since i look decant "i laughed and whispered

"You always look beautiful "i blushed at his cheesiness and we walked out to the car.

When we pulled up we were outside this liittle italian resturant and it was so small and cute.

"Wow this is so nice" i said he chuckled and led me inside.

After we had ordered and ate we talked and kissed a little or a lot.

After dinner we walked through a park and the moon was shining brightly it was really romantic

We sat down on a bench and we faced each other smiling

He leaned in a kissed me, we kissed for awhile and then the kiss heated up,Damon slid his tongue across my bottom lip as if asking for entrance and without a pause i agreed and he slid his tongue into my mouth we stayed like this for about 5 minutes and then decided to go home.

When we got home we were both tired so we both just went straight to bed.

Becky's POV :

We completed the plan and it was successful Zayn was actually really happy that he would be a dad and i was so relieved he believed it even though i felt bad for lying.

Skyker's POV :

Today me and Niall started our day with Yo Mama jokes which were hilarious then we went to get breakfast then we headed back upstairs lay back in bed and watched loads of movies and ate loads of food.

Occasionally we got bored of the movie so Niall and i kissed alot but i didn't care he was so amazing.

"Lets go to sleep m'lady"he said i nodded and fell asleep the same way i did the night before,to Nialls heartbeat.

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