Death, first day on the job

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'What a boring life' I thought as I stood on my balcony looking a the many paparazzi trying to catch a glimpse 'how annoying' I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my mother yelling for me at my bedroom door. "Lilith, can you hurry up your about to become queen stop sulking. Your becoming queen weather you like it our not" queen alexandra the 2nd said with annoyed urgency. "But mother, I don't get why I have to be queen I don't even have a 'king' yet. And besides I don't want to be queen it sounds so boring" I said showing my clear displeasure. "You will be queen and that is final!" Mother said clearly angry.

Any way you've probably guessed by now I'm not an ordinary person. I'm actually the crowned princess Lilith von willow wood of England, China and Japan. Loved by all, with an outstanding IQ of 269 and the only person with true boredom. I mean it's not like I can go out and do things, even when I step on the balcony the whole world knows about it. I can't even open a widow by myself anymore and having such a high IQ means most books are boring. Worst of all today is the day I become queen and stand there for the whole world to see.

Time skip - the crowning ceremony

"I now crown you Queen of England, Japan and China" my farther said as he and my mother place the crown on my head. I stand up and walk to the edge of the balcony to give a speech to my subjects. I was about to start but I was feeling a little off balance the next thing I knew a hung earth quake hit and the part of the balcony where I was standing started crumbling.

3rd POV

Lilith was falling to her death the whole world stoped and gasped all at once holding something close as they heard the peaceful silence the new queen emitted as she fell. Then nothing but black was all Lilith could see suddenly a bright light filled her vision, it was blurry but she could see outlines of things once her vision starts to focus she realised where she was a land of garbage although unaware to Lilith the place she had awoken was called meteor city a city of trash and dreams that never existed.

Lilith POV

I have been laying here on the ground for at least 2 hours now  I have figured out a few things so far. 1st that out in this dump it's survival of the fittest, several people of all ages have walked passed me without out batting an eye. 2nd everyone here speaks a different language and 3rd if I want a chance at survival my little baby hands are going to have to get a little bloody.

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