Hunter exam phase 2 again and family

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A blimp hovers over the area as a mysterious man jumps down landing perfectly on his feat. The chairman of the hunter association, I've seen pictures before but never in person. He gave menchi a lecture we then proceeded to head to split in half mountain, here you can find the best eggs in the world, spider eagle eggs. Personally I don't like them but eggs is one of menchi's favourite so I learnt to cook them anyway. "Rei, sweetheart could you demonstrate to the rest of the group what to do" with a simple nod I walk to the edge as I feel a strong breeze, I slowly tilt over the edge and fall into the ravine. Everyone held their breath as I held onto the web, as I felt the breeze slowly pick up I dropped grabbing 3 eggs for menchi. I'm swept up by the wind and land safely next to menchi and start to cook the eggs as everyone else jumps to their possible doom.

After we were released to move freely on the blimp I sat a window looking down at the distant land below me a slight shake in my hand and I place it on the tough glass. My body got heavy as my heart rate excelerated, my breath short and shallow memories of that time I remember it like it was yesterday. The sound of the balcony below me crumbling the silence in the air, even now just being so high up I can't help but feel the tension. It brings me back to that moment like I'm stuck in time, that morning I was so reluctant like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. In my life I had never had friends I was so precious to them even exploiting me for my wealth, fame or power seemed like a crime. My family was always to busy with ruling and preparing me to take over that they, were less my parents and more my secretary's. my hand maiden who would wake me up in the morning dress me clean me make sure I was feed, she never was consistent I had a new hand maiden every week or so . In the eyes of everyone around me I was a porcelain goddess.

With a heavy heart, that day I wasn't sad I didn't cry. No tears of mine were shed it was peaceful yet I regret everything, I wish I cried. I wish I was sad, I want to be sad about the life I left behind but this world the friends I've made this family I've grown to love they may be criminals, perverts and crazy psychopaths but their my psychopaths. And I wouldn't replace them.

"Rei-chan,.... are you okay?" I hear from my left
"Gon, killua?" I hadn't noticed but a single tear had escaped me "of course no need to worry, just thinking" don't let them see, push it down "is that food from the buffet?"
"Yeah we stole it from the kitchen" killua responds with a blank face
"Wow mind if I have some I'm starved" just play it cool
"Of corse" gon smiles
Some time later

"Ahh I'm stuffed"
"Hey where are your parents?" Gon brought up suddenly
"Hmmm there alive" killua responds quickly "probably"
"What do they do" Gon retorts
"They're assassins" killua says unfazed
"Wah both of them" Gon sounds shocked
Killua laughs "that's your first response, you really are a riot. Your the first person who's ever responded seriously"
"Well, your telling the truth, right" Gon says unsure
"What makes you think that" killua inquires
"Just a hunch"
"That's weird..." killua sighs" people only like me because they can't tell if I'm ever serious or not" he rants " I'm from a family of assassins, so they're all assassins and my family has really high hopes for me... but I can't stand it. Who wants to have their life planned out for them? When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped! My mother had tears streaming down her face, as she told me I have the potential to be a top assassin. Horrible parents, right? It's natural their kid would go bad, we ended up fighting. So I stabbed my mother in the face, my brother in the side, and ran away from home. I'm sure they're out for blood now." Killua thinks smirking "but if they find me, then I'll send them packing. When I become a hunter, I'll start by capturing my family, I'm sure their worth some hefty bounty's..." killua continues almost daydreaming
"What do you think" Gon turns to me
"Huh" I was in sort of a haze during killua rant and kinda zoned out "I already knew killua was an assassin"
"What! How" Gon and killua we're both shocked
"Well my ne-san is friends with your brother so I've been to your house a few times I was never allowed to meet you but I had seen pictures"
"Ehh" killua was speechless
"Either way my story is pretty similar to killuas so I won't bore you with it"
"Oh please tell us Rei-chan, please" Gon begs
"Fine, I guess" I sigh "I originally come from a highly noble family far far away in a whole other part of the world, I guess you could say I was like a princess. My parents expected a lot from me, they planed my entire life out when they weren't busy working they were fixing my table manners, teaching me languages, music, art, how to dance like a lady. And when I wasn't studying I was attending lavish tea parties where ladies dote on my every move. I had the whole Country watching my every move, it was intense I hated it I didn't want to take over the business and one day the balcony I was standing on collapsed under me and I fell. In that moment I faked my death and ran I met hiso and many new people who changed my life and now I'm here" I finished with my web of lies, I felt bad but it had to be done
"Man that must have sucked" killua says looking out the window

All of a sudden I sense a presence it was the chair man I made direct eye contact with him and he released his presence and speared in the other hallway.
"Something wrong" netero-san says acting innocent
"Actually I'm feeling tired I'm going to get some sleep see you later Gon, killua" I intergect before anything else could be said and waved as I walked passed the chair man giving him a side glance as I pass.

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