Meating the troupe

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I awoke the next morning before the sun had even risen and done my daily routine. First I went back into the forest to bathe once I returned the group of people where still asleep. Next I did my daily training squats, sit-ups, pull-ups ect then I did my flexibility work out doing the splits and such, then my last set of training for the day balance. I know it sounds stupid but it's not being able to balance is very important even as a princess balance was important, so I always stand on the top of a very thin post and balance on one leg.

Machi POV

"Hey where'd the kid go!?" Uvo yelled right into my ear startling me awake "geez why do you have to be so loud in the morning" I responded to his out burst. Uvo gave me a look as if to say 'really' then said "yeah, yeah but the kid is gone"
"Don't worry I attached one of my nen needles to him" I said standing to go follow the string. I ended up walking for a bit till I found him on a big pointed rock, he was standing at the very tip on one leg. "Hey! Whatcha doing up there kid" I called out "training, and I have a name you know it's Rei" he responded to me calmly "and you do know it's not polite to track someone into the woods without there consent" I was shocked. He saw my Nen needles and didn't even do anything about it "and besides I was going to comeback, my stuff is there" Rei said saying the last bit a bit quieter then the rest before jumping down.

"Machi" I said to the boy he simply looked at me confused "that's my name, Machi my Nen is called 'nen stitches'". Once we got back to the church the kid sat in his corner and played with his book or something.


When we got back I sat in my corner and got by books out I ripped out the picture of Machi and glued it into my note book and wrote the info I know on her. Then it hit me I didn't know what nen was so I just asked instead "hey mind if I ask a question?" The blond lady with the big nose said yes so I asked "what's Nen?" And that made them all turn to me. A creepy smiling blond guy came over to me and asked where I had heard the word Nen before, which made Machi speak up "I actually mentioned nen to him, he said he saw my needles so I assumed he knew". During there conversation I ripped the pictures of them and glued them into my book then proceeded to ask "also I forgot to ask for all your names before" in which they proceeded by telling there names.

The creepy blond guy said that his name was Shalnark. The blond lady said her name was Pakunoda. The big bulky silver hair guy said he was Uvogin. The intense blond guy was Phinks. The tall guy with the samurai sword said he was Nobonaga. The black haired girl with glasses was Shizuku. The guy in bandages was Bonolenov. The big guy with long ears said he was Franklin. Feitan was the one with the mask over his mouth. Kortopi was the one with hair all over their face. And I knew Machi and Chrollo Lucifer. Last but not least was the magic dude his name was Hisoka.

After that mr Lucifer asked me "would you like it if I taught you Nen" of course I agreed. So for the next 5 years I trained with mr Lucifer and learnt Nen.

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