Island thing part 1

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⬇️ About update schedule ⬇️
Hi it's the author here I meant to put a notice in the last chapter but I will be posting on the first of each month and depending how busy I am the 15th as well. This is mainly because I like to have a line up of at least 2 chapters finished before I post, sorry if this upsets you and that this is really long.


We got of the boat in the order of passing the trick tower meaning hiso-nii was up first and knowing him he won't wait for me everyone left in intervals of 5 minutes and as the second last person it was going to take a while. So I used this time to figure out a game plan, and that's what I did. I decided to go after my target first and find hiso-nii later once I had all my points I could just sleep with hiso watching me.

Before I knew it, it was time to leave the ship and join the island. Like I said before fist thing I had to do was track down the brothers one of them has my needed tag. Once I located them I realised that 2 other people were following them, one who I recognised as killua and the other I wasn't sure of. Either way I continue to follow them, I'll skip the boring stuff for you guys but basically killua beat them up and got all 3 tags which means me and the other guy had to show ourself's. "sup killu" I casually call out to killua, "nice work taking out the brothers" killua seemed slightly startled by this "yeah nice work kid, now I was wondering if you could pass my number (which ever one he needed) thank you" "umm, sorry but if you want this tag baldy your gonna have to work for it" with that killua tosses 2 tags in opposite directions. Fooling the bald guy to follow the wrong tag losing the one he's after. "Killuaaa I can't believe you threw my tag away, you big meanie" I hit his chest with my balled fists with puffed cheeks and a pout, killua lustre laughs in response " ahh! Killuuu don't laugh, now I actually have to look for it or get it from that bald guy" I sigh "hehe, is this your tag" killua smirks as he pulls out tag (number) "killua you have my tag, thank you thank you thank you" I hug killua and take the tag "you won't regret this" I waved to killu as I set off to find hiso-nii.

After searching for a whole day I finally found hiso and to add to my horrible mood from lack of sleep, hiso just had to be making out with illumi as usual. So as every good child does, I threw a tantrum "AHHHHHH!, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" I scream to them with my hands balled and bouncing on the balls of my feat in anger. Hisoka just laughs at me while illumi actually looks a little concerned "I HATE YOU, I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU EVER AGAIN, YOUR JUST YOU ARE, You are a a.a..." I trailed off "HAHAHA" hisoka just laughs "baby this isn't funny, at least try to act serious" illumi scolds hisoka " haha, I'm sorry it's just little Rei here can't swear, as tough as he may act he's still just a baby, hence the tantrum I'm guess he hasn't sleept in a while and was mad that I didn't try to find him and instead was with you, so cute" hisoka informs illumi mean while Rei is bouncing around screaming and complaining.

"Rei, come here" hisoka says gently but sternly "NO! I hate you, leave me alone AHHHHHH" "REI, here now" hisoka says as he sits down next to a tree getting comfortable. Almost instantaneously Rei stops and makes his way over to hisoka, head down and looking guilty as he strands in front of hisoka. "I'm sorry nii" he wispers in a extremely quiet voice.hisoka simply raises his arms and Rei snuggles up on Hisoka lap and silently cry's.

Hisoka POV
Ever since Rei joined the troupe and got more comfortable with us if he was really tired or cranky and was just pushed over the edge, he would throw a tantrum all of which are equally intense however it wasn't often he would let people other than his family see his tantrums. And once it's over he just silently cry's, almost as if he couldn't control the tantrum and it makes him sad. Whenever Rei would have a tantrum we would try not to scold him for that very reason, that we all knew deep down it was out of his control.

Soon Rei fell asleep still crying and I explain to illu what was going on and he understood. I'm so lucky to have him he never questions about Rei or the troupe and trusts me, he's always so understanding. All I wish is that I got more chances to see him, maybe I'll go to his place after the exam Rei will prolly come to since he's friends with killua now. "Illu hun you should get some rest, don't worry about us" I told illumi and he did just that he layer next to my and got some sleep, luckily it seems like rei will have a peaceful sleep tonight, he needs it

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