Trick towers part 2

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Leorio was next. On the other side a girl with bright pink hair reveals herself, leorio being the idiot he is starts to fawn Over her. "Quit it leorio, hurry up so we can continue!" I shout he listened and proceeded to walk down the pathway to the platform. The challenge they chose was simple enough, the body of the prisoner from kurapikas match was still there and there match hadn't officially ended yet. I won't bore you with the details but leorio lost us 50 hours. Killua said he was bored and wanted to go next, so on the opposing side a buff blond guy removes his hooded cloak and flexed his hand with malicious intent. His scruffy rigid face gave of bad vibes as he approached the platform. Killua walks across the bridge to the platform, both meeting in the middle. The match start and killua instantly removes the mans heart, he falls to the ground reaching for killua and breaths out "that's mine...". As he passes killua places the heart in his hand, it stops beating and killua returns.

The score is 2-2 and this is the deciding round, everything is riding on whether I win this or not. But in all honesty I still can't get what happened with kurapika out of my head. If he can do that to a faker, what will he do to my family? As I'm walking to the platform every thing is silent my mind is all over the place , I can't think strait.

The clothed figure aprocahed from the opposing side, slowly removing the robe and the loud clang of the chains falling startles me. Shaggy dirty blonde hair fell on the buff mans shoulders, the weight of his steps was almost taunting as he approached along the bridge. "How do you wanna do this, hey pretty little thing?" His low gruff voice reminds me of my late fathers and his taunts are unsettling. "Hey darling, you listening to me" "huh?" I snap back to reality "uh yeah so to the death right?" "What.?" He replies and is shocked probably not expecting a child to want a fight to the death with a criminal. "Oh did you have something else in mind" I question him but he dismisses the thought quickly and agrees to the death match.

"Let's do this pretty boy" he cackles, he starts to run in my direction. I'm stiff as a surf board till he's in my reach, jumping I land on top of the buffed blond a foot on each shoulder. In seconds I used my legs to rap around his neck twisting, till a crack. The fight was over, just like that nothing to it. Since we won the rest of the group joined me on the platform. The Mohawk guy on the screen just tells us we need to stay in a room for 50 hours till our penalty is up.

So the fifty hour wait begins, first we ate some time just some snacks but after a while we all started to get bored. Gon was showing killua how to use his fishing rod, and killua showed Gon hw to do the cool trick on the skateboard. However that got shut down pretty quick as Leorio almost got hit in the face my killua skateboard. After a while we all sat down to get rest. I walked up to killua slowly as I had been really in need of a nap and now that everyone was going to sleep it would be the perfect time. I sat down on killua slap and got comfy "huhh?" Killua responds "you still owe me remember" I remind him. The rest of the group gives looks of confusion a killua sighs and raps his arms around my waist and also gets comfy, the others decide to not question this and just get some rest. This went on till all fifty hours were up.

After the fifty hours were up we start making our way down to the bottom of the tower, passing obstacles and traps we made it to what we believe is the final room. The room is full of weapons and two doors one says it's the long way and the other the short, I didn't want to join the fight so I just stepped out. After a bit Gon figured out what to do and we got to work breaking the wall. As we slid down the slide with only a few seconds to spare we completed the trick tower and made it to the next phase.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to make it, little Rei" I hear a sinister voice call out from behind me "hisoka" I turn around to give hisoka a hug, as we left the building to the next area (just outside) we continue to talk I asked how long he'd been down there and apparently he was the first on down. Hiso-nii asked me some questions too like why we took so long and what happened, but with the others around it'd have to wait. The weird Mohawk guy came out in front of us, I assume to show us to the next phase. Huh he was a lot shorter than I thought he would be, any way that's besides the point he explained that we would be on an island for roughly a week and to pass we would have to have six points. Your own badge being worth 3 points, your targets also being worth 3 points and everyone else's would be worth 1 point.

We all picked out our numbers mine was #127 after everyone got their number we all got on the ship to take us to this island. The lady on board trying to lift our spirits and get us all hyped was wasting her efforts. We were all tired and suspicious of everyone, 'trust no one' as I'd say.

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