I'm a what now?!

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Lilith POV

Even thought I'm so young I have endlessly trained my body so that I can already move around with out a support. Although it was a grilling process if I had not stuck to it I probably would have already starved to death. Yesterday I found a broken bottle on the ground and took one of the big chunks of glass so today I salvaged for something to tie the shard to a stick to make a makeshift knife.

The next part of my plan was to lay there unmoving till a sizeable bird came close enough. After some time the bird I was waiting for had shown it's self it landed next to me. I waited a couple seconds then I stabbed it the blood was all over my knife, and my hand and little on my face.i gathered a couple twigs and eventually started a fire I cocked up my bird and as I was eating my freshly killed bird I started to miss being the crowned princess. After I had finished my dinner I was about to lay down to sleep until a small children's bag full of stuff was thrown over the garbage pile next to me and landed in front of my legs. I quickly grabbed it then checked my surroundings to see if anyone was watching, till I slowly opened the bag it was like your typical elementary school backpack. Some notebooks, a few educational books, a pencil case full of pens and pencils and a sketch book. Also known as the thing I miss most, before I died I loved to draw and now I can in this world to and I can document things in the notebooks.

Time skip - 3 years later (look at picture above)

It's been around 3 years since I died and I've learned many things I can speak most languages fluently, read and write most languages and I've become a master in the art of pickpocketing. That's not all either I'm fairly agile, strong and quick on my feet. About a year ago I left meteor city and went to the forest close by and I've been slowly moving through the forest since. I started moving locations today but after half my usual walk I realised that I've walked the whole forest although I can see an abandoned building in the distance, so I guess that's where I'll head.

??? POV

We have just arrived at our current base of operations it's just a rundown abandoned church. 'Uvo is going on like usual, he's all wound up after the mission we just went on. After all we just killed an entire clan and took there eyes, I mean I guess it was ok but I need something to entertain me' I thought till I heard some almost silent breathing. I guess the others heard too because every thing went quite.

Lilith POV

Im slowly approaching the building it's giving of bad vibes but I ignored them because I'm tired and I need a sheltered place to rest. But for safety I lower my breathing and silence my movements as I enter, almost inside the atmosphere changes. It took me a second but I finally understood why the atmosphere had changed I was because someone noticed me and I no longer needed to conceal my presence. With this new information I calmly walked in no longer concealed to find a Group of 13 people all giving of creepy vibes.

"Hello there I don't mean to intrude, I just need a place to rest for the night" I said to them calmly "who are you" a big bulkish man said coming closer to me "Uvo leave the poor boy alone" said a tall lanky man with a katana. Suddenly what he had said sunk in and I began questioning why he thought I was a boy, then in a nervous panic I pat myself down only to discover he was telling the truth. I was a boy now, I cried a little on the inside while they just stared at me with confused looks. Looking up at them I introduced myself "my name is" I paused for a moment to think what I should tell them "my name is Rei wood and I'm 3 years old I think" they were all a bit shocked when I said I was 3. The man on this big piece of rubble with a long coat and a weird symbol on his head, looked away from his book for the first time and stared at me " and where are you from Rei" he said with a curious tone "oh I'm from meteor city although I left about a year ago" I replied. A few of the people looked at each other then back at me I sighed "can I just rest here for a few nights then I'll be gone" I offered. The leader looking guy just looked back at his book and responded "yes stay as long as you need, I'm Chrollo Lucifer" hearing this I walked towards an uninhabited corner of the room and sat down Criss cross style and leaned against the wall I grabbed out my notebook and sketch book. First I drew a picture of each of the people, then I ripped out the one of Chrollo Lucifer and glued it to my notebook then started writing facts that I knew. I would listen out for the other people's names later, I closed my books and put them in my bag then sat up straight and closed my eyes to drift into a light sleep to replenish my strength while still being aware of my surroundings. Half way threw the night one of the members came up towards me waving their hand in front of my face, I didn't care until they tried to poke me which make my natural reflexes kick in. I opened my eyes grabbed her finger and filled her on her stomach and pined her down. I was holding my knife that I stole, it was a simple kitchen knife but it did the job, once I realised what I had done I quickly got of them and put my knife away "sorry I didn't mean to do that, just reflexes"

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