A Spider

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I'd just like to start by pointing out that Rei is currently 8 years old thank you
Oh and credit to the artist


It's been 5 years and I'm still with the troupe after the first year or so they became my family and we all had fun times together. Sure we weren't always together, but I was always with Chrollo-nii. Yeah the Nic name is cringe but I can tell it makes him happy so I just say it anyway.
Actually I wonder were nii is right now he said he wanted to talk to me. He might be inside on his rock, yep he's on his rock.
"Chrollo-nii" I called out
"Rei come and sit with me" he spoke in a serious tone "I have thought a lot and I have decided to make you a spider"
I was so shocked and confused how could I become a spider all the spots were full. Why would he want me of all people to be a spider.
"Why" I simply asked him and he just responded with
"Because your family and if you want we would all love for you to become a official member"
I was thrilled I couldn't wait to get my tattoo for the spiders I was becoming an official member.

The next day I got the tattoo on the bottom left side of my back. The black spider 🕷 with a zero in the middle, with this cymbal on my body I was officially apart of the phantom troupe.

2 years later (that's what he looks like ^^^)

I was chatting with hiso-nii when he suddenly mentioned that he would be leaving soon to go to an exam. this exam got me curious so I decided to ask him what he meant. When I asked he explained that the exam was to be come a Hunter, in other words the Hunter exam. He told me that he wanted to find fresh fruit. If you didn't already know hisoka is a perverted, he can be really cool and I love him but he's a real creep. Which is why I decided then and there that I would have to supervise his little excursion. It took some effort to convince Chrollo-nii but he caved in the end. Which is how we ended up here waiting for the rest of the participants in the Hunter exam.

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