Trick tower part 1

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The next morning Rei POV

The number of people has decreased by at least half over the first two phases. The contestants stand on top of a tower over a hundred meters from the ground, no task or objective. The logical thing would be to assume the phase is about getting to the bottom of the tower. Although it seems almost impossible I mean scaling down the side is a no a guy died from that earlier. But I have noticed that there are less people then there was when we first were dropped of. I walk over to hiso-ni to discuss a theory when he falls threw the ground. I speed up my pace to try and join him under this platform but fail as it seems the hatch has closed up, as I think about how to open the hatch I drop down my own falling on something soft and plush.

"Get off me!!" A old guy says from below me "Rei?" "Gon!, killua!" I run and say hi removing myself from the living cushion I fell on earlier. "Hey don't ignore me!" Leorio I think "um leorio right and your, kurapiko?" "Kurapika and yes, Rei right? I nice to see you again" "likewise" "HEY STOP IGNORING ME!" "Sorry, and sorry for falling on you" well that sorts that I aproach the podium and take a bracelet putting it on.

Soon we were descending the tower to who knows were we approached a door with a sign saying 'at this door, select O to open, X not to open' everyone pushes 'O' ofcorse and we proceed to the next obstacle. 'which way do you want to go, O for right. X for left' three people chose right leorio started to argue but I just went ahead. soon the others caught up and were shocked by what they saw infront of them. a big room with a middle platform. some people stood on the aposing side. "allow me to explain, Before you are prisoners of tricktower. the hunter exam has also officially hired them as examiners. you will be fighting against the five of them. the fights will be one on one. each person may only fight once. you are free to use what ever tactics you wish. a win is declared when the opponent admits defeat."

"you may pick your order its majority rule so secure three wins, and you may pass". "Me! ill go!" gon shouts the first apponet approach's a tall lanky guy. he says he dosent enjoy fight and preposes a game, we light two candles and the flame that goes out first loses. the guy tamperd with the candles but gon still ended up winning the first match for us.

kurapika was next, the guy he fought was big and mucley with a weird face. his plan was to intimidate kurapika, I wasn't really paying attention until I saw it the fake troupe tattoo on his back. I was inraged that he would have the audacity to pretend he was even a sliver of the real I thing I had gone still and silent with rage "rei?" killua quentions I didn't realise I was shaking I stop and look up to see the guy on the floor and an angry kurapika coming towards me. my stomach starts to tumble I run back a bit down from where we came and throw up just thinking of the possibility that my family my troupe could one day. I over hear kurapika saying that hes still angry which scares me more. but I return. leorio was up next.

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