Kukuru mountain

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With the exam having come to an end, Gon, Kurapika and leorio passed gaining their hunters license. But of course 2 members of there group was missing, killua and Rei had left the exam early with only Rei having passed.

"Where did they go?" Gon says confidently looking up at illumi
"It's a bad idea, you should not go there you will be unwelcome" illumi states matter of factly to Gon "however I don't think there is much I can do or say to convince you so, killua went home, back to kukuru mountain and of course the other boy Rei is following him there as well" with one last look at illumi Gon slightly bows turning to tell the others what he found out. The three of them head to the library to gather more information on kukuru mountain, and with that the three set off to start their journey to get back killua and Rei.


I've been following killua all day, it seems like we are headed the the zoldyac estate, is obviously much faster than me so I lost sight of him a while ago but I'm still able to follow his trail thanks to the Nen tracker I secretly placed on him, it's clear killu hasn't learnt about Nen yet.

Slowly the mountain comes into view it's as tall as ever, being back here reminds me of the first time I came to the kukuru mountain. The rest of the troupe was out on business so I had to go with hisoka to see a business partner, at the time I didn't realise what was actually happening but hisoka was just hooking up with illumi. By the time we left it was obvious what Hisoka true intentions where.
Walking up to the giant gates I push them open with ease walking through with a yawn, it had been a while since my last nap. The trees looked extra beautiful today as the sun set of to the side of the mountain, the breeze was gentle and the air was calm. I kept walking I knew I was being followed but I just kept walking, eventually I could see the trees opening up to a clearing with a building. Suddenly the figure that had been tailing me this whole time appears in front of me blocking my view of the house.

"I cannot let you past" she says professionally I assume she's probably a guard or some kind of butler,
"Well if you will not let me past would you lead the way? I need to speak with the head of the house" I say calmly with a small smile on my face.
"I cannot let a stranger any further into the estate" she states with a small bow of apology
"But I am no stranger" I say confused "I am a friend of the family" she looks at me confused and baffled that I would claim a friendship status with the zoldyacs, a second passes and just before the girl says another word a tall butler appears beside her clearly taken aback,
"Young Master Rei" he sweats "I was unaware you where coming to visit"
"Yes, well I didn't know I'd be coming here either" I Mutter "if you could can you take me to the head of the house please" I say much more firm,
"Of course, right this way" he says quickly bowing and gesturing me to follow along in which I take him up on the offer following him through the giant estate.

Finally we make it to a set of doors, the butler proceeds to knock on the door informing the head of a visitor. He instructs us to come in, the butler opens the door for me walking in with a sigh of relief haaahh~ finally here. Of course nothing is easy however seconds into walking into the room an object is thrown towards me, aimed directly between my eyes I tilt my head out of the way catching the small knife between my two finger tips.
"Anyone else and you'd have a body on your hands" I Mutter " I'm not in the mood for your games" the head of the house Zeno looks at me disappointed, with a sigh "hhh~ how have you been Zeno-san"
"I'm glad you asked, I've been well" he says "but your only here for the boy, aren't you" he looks into my eyes sharply "your here for Killua"
"You've found me out already" I chuckle "well if you hadn't I would have thought your going senile" I tease
"I'm sorry to say he must endure his punishment for a while longer, then you can take him" Zeno responds
"That's alright, I have some other friends coming to get us, so how about he can go threw his punishment till then" I smile up at him "of course with the condition that I am allowed to see him"
"I can arrange that" he says starting to go through the papers on his desk
"Well off to see killua, I'll see you at dinner" I giggle standing and leaving his office.

Making my way down to the dungeon way down below the basement I find the door my Nen is pointing to, killu is definitely in this room. There's a sound coming from inside, like heavy metal chains jingling and the sound of a whip. Slowly opening the door and peering in I can see milluki whipping killua who hangs from the ceiling. It's terrible but I made a deal not to interfere till Gon and the others get here. I quietly make my way inside the room closing the door behind me, I must not have been quiet enough because both killu and the fat pig milluki notice my arrival.

"What the!" Milluki exclaims "what are you doing here!" Raising my hands in a way you would to an animal I signal I'm of no harm or threat,
"Hey, no need to shout I'm not here to ruin your 'fun' at all" that word felt so gross to think such a disgusting creature thinks they have the right to lay their hands on someone I care about, I feel my temper flair up but manage to keep me cool "I'm just here to hang out with my lovely killu, you wouldn't mind would you?" I say trying to cur his favour.
"UGHHH, fine but I WILL BE BACK FOR YOU RAT!" He squeals at killua like a rotten swine leaving the room slamming the door. I turn around looking back at killua and he's looking at me, I can't exactly read the expression on his face we just stand there looking at each other for a while.
"W..well this is, um I came to see you" I stutter out, it was like all my confidence drained out of me and fell into the cracks in the floor hiding where I couldn't will it back into my body " I.I..I wanted to make s..sure you where okay, you know, after what happened" I Mutter looking down
"I'm alright but you shouldn't be here, it's not safe" he reprimands, killua starts pulling on the restraints intending to break them.
"WAITT!" I yell startled by his actions "sorry, I made a deal with grandfather Zeno that you will continue your punishment till Gon gets here" I state looking down ashamed I couldn't do better
"That's alright" he says with a huff "you just looked tired so I thought you would've wanted to take a nap" killua states matter of factly
"W..w.ww.WHAT??" I yell startled with a bright blush on my face then with a small cough "ehem, I mean what are you talking about" I say embarrassed looking away, with a small chuckle
"We'll back on the air ship you told me your big brother doesn't like you falling asleep without someone watching other you, remember?" He says calmly "I can tell just by looking at you that you haven't slept much if at all lately, so I was going to let you take a nap on my lap"
"Ooh, I did say that didn't i, well that does sound nice but you can't break your shackles" i say looking around in thought "well not yet anyways" i giggle finding a lever attached to the wall pulling it down, killua falls to the ground landing swiftly on his feet. He sits down on the ground and leans up against the wall. "Thank you killu, it really does mean a lot" i say sitting down in his lap getting comfy "and, I'm glad your alright" i whisper eyes getting Heavy and body relaxing "night killu"

"Goodnight Rei" killua whispers gently rubbing circles on Rei's back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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