Hunter exan stage 1

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Things were getting pretty boring after all hiso said something about wanting his badge as his favourite number. I went in first so my badge just had a one on it, it was so tiresome waiting around for everybody to arrive. How long have I even been waiting only 26 other people were in the room.
It's been a while and hiso just walked in about time too I was about to storm out of the room and demand entertainment. We played cards for about 2 hours when I started getting sleepy only about 200 people were here. I climbed up onto hisoka's lap and sat leaning against his chest with my head almost resting in the crook of his neck, his arms wrapped around my waist. I slowly dosed of feeling safe in Hisoka's arms.

Hisoka POV

He looks so adorable when he's frustrated is what I was thinking till my thoughts were interrupted by him climbing into my lap. I placed my arms around his waist in a protective manner. After all I presume that of all the contestants here little Rei will be the youngest. But if anyone tries to hurt him I will kill them. Suddenly after an hour I spot a close friend of mine who I need to talk to. I gently wake little Rei up and tell him the first phase should start soon and that I need to talk to someone.


I was woken and told to stay put so I stood and stayed still looking around still a little tired but my nap definitely helped. I see a skinny guy with a purple moustache replacing his mouth. He tells us he is an examiner and that our fist task is to follow him the wall behind him moved revealing a long tunnel. I suddenly got the feeling that this might be harder than I thought.

It's been a few hours and only one person has dropped out, which was some fat guy with a computer. Out of the corner of my eye I see a white haired kid on a skate board being told of buy some old looking guy with a breifcase. Next to him was a yellow haired kid and a small green haired kid, who looked kinda like a friend of mine. Once the kid on the skate board did a cool trick and started running I decided to go and talk to them.
"Hey guys" I started
"Hello what's your name, I'm gon" the green haired kid said cheerfully
"Rei, what about you guys" I responded
"Well that kurupika and that's leorio" gon answered
"And I'm killiua" the skate board kid said

We all kept running and running till the stairs came and I was a little tired because my nap was interrupted before. So I looked around for hisoka, once I found him he was flirting with some creepy guy who once I got closer I realised was illumi buy his scent. Jumping on hisokas back I gave him a small fright but immediately settled at his scent and dosed of.

Author here sorry my updating is really weird but I've just finished my dance concert and all my exams finish in a week or two then I'm going on a plane so I'll be able to do a lot of writing then and then I've got a party. The short version is soon i should be posting more often.

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