Sorry Papa...

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"Sweetheart time to wake up, breakfast is almost ready" I hear from my right, my eyes open only to quickly close as the bright light enters my vision. "Ok papa" I respond raising my arms to him asking to be carried. The young adult man picks me up taking me into the kitchen as I rub the sleep from my baby blue eyes. He rests me on his hip as he finished preparing breakfast for the both of us, and shortly placing me in the high chair at the table. As we sit and eat breakfast he asks "how about we go out for a walk after breakfast pumpkin" I giggle nodding my head in response, quickly finishing my scrambled eggs and apple juice. Once we both finish breakfast Papa picks me up placing me on his hip again walking me back to my room to get dressed. Papa dressed me in a pair of denim overalls with a pastel yellow plaid button up shirt, while papa just wore his white button up and black pants. Papa always got me bright colours, I put my hat and shoes on with papa and then we were off for our walk around the large forest we lived in.

"Papa can you teach me more cool moves" I jump around in excitement just hoping my papa would teach me more cool things. See what you don't know is my papa is such a good fighter, he always beats up the baddies. "Only if your good sweetie" he sighed I'm so pumped papa is the coolest.

After a while of papa teaching me his cool moves, we have some fresh sandwiches and apple juice for lunch. papa once again places me on his hip as we walk back home for my nap. I was already getting sleepy yawning and rubbing my eyes every now and then, "tired hun, ok we'll be home soon" papa comforts me as he holds me tightly. Once back home papa places me on the couch with some pillows and my precious pastel yellow blanket covered in bees and daisies, with a kiss on the forehead I'm drifting off to sleep.

"Ugh my head" I whisper as a sudden ache filled my head, then I remember what I was doing. Packing my bag with the things I'll need like books, stationeries, a change of clothes and last but not least my blanket. But I couldn't pack that till I'm fully ready to leave, a sudden nock on the door startles me quickly hiding my bag and pretending to be asleep. "Sweetheart, you awake" I hear papa whisper from the door. The next minute I hear his footsteps get closer and closer till, I feel something soft being placed on my shoulders "aw you dropped your blankie darling" . I released a sigh of relief that papa didn't catch me packing to leave, ugh it's things like that, that make me question if I'm really doing the right thing or not.

The next day is suddenly here and it's the middle of the night and papa has gone to sleep time for my runaway plan, as I sneak into the kitchen backpack on and blanket in one hand good bye letter in the other. I am ready to do this, as quietly as I can a open the door leaving the letter for papa on the bench. I close the door slowly as a strong gust of wind pulls it shut with a loud bang startling me. I see the lights upstairs being turned on and quickly turn to start running, but my blankie is caught in the door. In that moment I had to make a decision, I left my precious blankie with papa and ran.
I heard the door slam open, only turning my head back for a second I see papa in the door way holding the letter and my blankie he was in tears. "REI!" I could hear papa calling out to me, but I just kept going till his calls were all but silent.

I'm wandering threw the forest trying to get as far away from papa as I can, so he doesn't find me. When I stumble across a slim woman and a large over weight man, "hey buruhara look a kid" the woman calls to her partner. "Hey kid im menchi and this is buruhara" she says all happy like. "Rei" I whisper to them scared they might know papa and take me back, next thing I know my tummy is rumbling cause I haven't eaten in a while. "Hey kid how about we make some food for ya" menchi calls out "you know it is our job as gourmet hunters" I just simply nod my head, I sit and wait for a little only to be impressed when a bowl of hot soup is presented to me. The smell is intoxicating I could just sit here and smell it forever, I immediately dig in the soup was sooo good the way the meat and the veggies mix together and the broth oh my.

In the next couple days I was shown a couple methods and taught some cooking techniques by menchi and buruhara, of course being a princess or I guess queen in my past life I already knew how to cook extremely delicious and delicate meals. So as a thanks I cooked a dish for menchi and buruhara, they liked it so much. Later that night I knew I had to continue my journey I couldn't stay in one place for too long. So once I know they are both fast asleep i will leave, however from what I've seen the forest is much more dangerous than I originally thought so i might have to borrow one of menchi's knifes.

Menchi and buruhara have fallen asleep so now it's time for my escape hehe, before I leave I sneak towards menchis bag and grab the cheapest looking knife I can find. Once I grab the knife I quietly grab my bag stuffing the knife in one of the pockets. Slowly making my way out of the camp site without alerting menchi or buruhara, I made it into the forest well deeper in. All I have to do is lose any trace of myself so they can't track me, I need to wash of my sent, erase my footprints and maybe even change my appearance..... nah.

Now that papa, menchi and buruhara can't find me it's time. It's finally time to set of on my journey, to discover the world and the things in it. I just hope papa will be alright without me there.

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