Time for a nap or not

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I could sense hiso-ni in a room down the corridor, a little sleepy I aproach the door so hiso could watch over me while I slept née-san doesn't like me being alone while I sleep he's a little overprotective so I have to have a bodyguard in case anything happens. Usually paku looks after me when née-san isn't able but she's not here so hiso-ni takes over.
I walk in to see an abomination hiso and illu they're ugh gross I don't even want to say it "hiso can you not, please" I plead to Hisoka as I rub the sleep from my eye.
"Kitty, Tired?" Hiso calmly asks with illumi still straddled on hisokas lap will a simple nod he turns to illumi "sorry I have to watch Rei" he kissed illumi on the cheek "but we will continue this later"
"Eww you to are gross" illumi stands for me to replace him on hiso-ni's lap cuddling up to his warmth soon drifting off to sleep.
Some time later

I feel something hard on my thigh that wakes me up, instantly I knew what was going on with a flick to the forehead I scold hiso-ni "ugh I was comfortable, why did you have to ruin my nap with your stupid horny self" sliding of of Hisoka I go to leave the room. As I'm about to leave the room I turn to hiso-ni "I'm going to find someone to nap on who's not so horny" then proceeded to slam the door and walk to the other side of the blimp and gravitate towards a comfortable presence.
I turn the corner to see 2 corpses and killua standing there covered in blood. I was to sleepy to care and followed killua to the baths, as his presence made me relax. He enters the steamy baths first still not realising I'm here I slowly and sleepily remove my clothing my cardigan first then my top followed by my baggy pants and last my undergarments. By the Time I'd entered killua had already cleaned himself of the blood and was soaking in the big bath alone, I slowly walk in as to not disturb him.
Killua's POV (bet you didn't expect that)

After I let out my frustration on those two guys I walked to go soak in the bath and clean off, I undress and wash the blood from my skin. I slowly sink into the bath feeling the warm water envelope my body, it's so nice what was even better was I was all alone. That was until the sound of a foot entering the bath startled me, my eye opened wide because I didn't sense them. I look to my left to see Rei naked and sinking into the bath right next to me. My face heats up and I look away "sorry to startle you" he whispers with a small chuckle it was so cute, no what am I thinking I just meet him and besides I have more important things to worry about. I open my eyes to see his face right in front of mine he was so close, I could feel his breath on me his curios yet sleepy eyes "ah I'm sorry" he whisper yells turning around to face away his hand covering his face, I could only see 3/4 up his back the rest was in the murky water all I could see was his white blond longish hair cling to his back and the scars that cover his body what caught my eye where the few black lines coming from the part of his back still submerged. I didn't notice till I heard a squeak from Rei that I was subconsciously tracing his scars. "I'm so sorry"
"you owe me" he pouts still facing away
"what ever you want you name it"
"ok" he whispers barely audible but I still heard it. I didn't understand what he meant until he swam back still with his back to me he gently sits on my lap leaning into me, head tilted back over my shoulder "I'm sleepy he whispers into my ear, watch over me, please" I was shocked but without waiting for a response he drifted of in front of my eyes if I didn't know any better I would think he was dead with how peaceful he looked. But still it was embarrassing I fidget a bit he opens an eye and stares at me before closing it again "you better not get a boner" he sighs drifting once again. I blush like crazy what's that supposed to mean, how.

I wake Rei as the steam was getting to me. He seemed grumpy mumbling small curses, he seemed unwilling to move so i princess carried him out the bath he covers himself with a blush on his face. I sit him on a seat and throw a stray towel over his head. After drying off we both dress and make our way to a room I followed Rei as he seemed to know where he was going we approached a door. Once outside he stops and turns to me. "This is my stop, thanks for earlier. Nee-san has a rule that I'm not aloud to sleep without someone I trust watching over me. So thanks" with a smile he opens the door and walks in closing the door behind him.

I walk in to see the examiners and mr beans, they look at me with confusion but I dismiss there looks and approach menchi she looks at me with a smile. I stand infont of her turn around then proceed to sit down getting comfortable, she realises why and suddenly laughs while resting her arms around my waist finally I can get some sleep "nigh nigh" I whisper in my childish voice which I often use when tired. "Goodnight"

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