Hunter exam phase 2

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Sorry I haven't been updating I've had a lot to do but something cool happened, I won an award for basically the dancer of the year, it's called the shining star award. ^-^
Anyway I'll get to the story.

I was woken up by someone nudging me, I opened my eyes to immediately shut them again. I let them adjust and saw I was still on hisoka's back, with a yawn I slowly climbed down and stood next to hisoka with a small had holding onto his pants leg. Next thing I know these big doors open and we walk in side 'this must be the next phase' swam through my head. Without being able to see or really hear the examiner I couldn't really do much till after everyone moves. I head some guy shout about how stupid gourmet Hunters are and something about blacklist hunters. It made me think if were going to be cooking, I looked out the door and immediately recognised were we are and what we were going to be cooking. I pulled on hisokas pants leg to get his attention, "yes kitty what is it" hisoka purrs "hiso-nii can you get my piggy for me" I said with puppy dog eyes, " of course kitty how could I resist such a cute face" he smiles back.

Instead of waiting till we're told to go I just left to get my ingredients. I walked around the forest for a bit I heard some shouting in the distance and assumed that the second phase had officially started.i found exactly what I was looking for among other things which made me change my recipe a little but not much. Once I got back I saw hiso-nii put my piggy on my bench once I got there I took out the many potatoes I found and into a bowl I wash my hands and start pealing when a thought came to me, 'I have a ton of spices in my bag I hope hiso-nii still has it' after I asked hiso he smiled and gave me my bag. I'd finished the potato's and cleaned the rest of my ingredients people were starting to serve the examiner And as I could hear failing. Now time for the pork I pulled a big butcher knife and I could feel a few people stare at me, especially when I cut of the piggy's head I clean my knife put it away and got out a smaller one and started to slice up the piggy. Now that it's in the oven time to make the sauce well I mean it was already going but time to finish of. I add some spices then look for a good plate, "you know there's two examiners kitty, a big one and I little one" "hiso-nii you scared me" I replied 'it couldn't be menchi and her partner could it... nahh but just in case' I got out a big plate and a small plate.

After plating up my dish and making it look nice I walk up to the examiners, focussing on my dish so I don't drop it. "Little Rei is that you" I heard as I but the dishes on the table I looked up and saw menchi. As quick as I can I Fran aroud the table and gave her a hug and she gave me a pat on the head, after I went back around the table to be examined. Menchi looked at my dish in excitement it's been seven years since she last had my cooking. Taking a bite she practically squealed in happy ness while burahara gulped it all down and had a super fluffy aura around him. Pass they both said at the same time.

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