Finale of exam

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The morning begins, and so does the final stage of the exam. Hisoka was already up and ready for the final stage. The chair man calls every one to the main hall to explain how the final test will work. He explains that "only one person standing in this room will fail." The exam was one on one battles by winning you fight you pass and are safe from failure. However if you lose your still in and grave to continue fighting, this continues till only two people are left and the person who fails is decided.

The roster for the fights was weird and super unfair though some people had mor chances and more battles where as others had almost none. I wasn't paying attention to the. Haitians reasoning, cause I was more focused on the fact that I was first and I was up against the bald ninja guy.

Our battle was over pretty quick he ran straight at me and I took him down, he was smart so he admitted defeat almost instantly. Which was good for me, however that mean Gon had to fight him next up right away. Their fight wasn't as quick, Gon was clearly outmatched but he just wouldn't give up, even though the bald ninja broke his arm. I wanted to kill that ninja for hurting my new friend but hisoka didn't approve., killua on the other hand was struggling to hold back, after all what we where watching could be described as torture. Eventually the bald ninja got sick of waiting and surrendered saying he would just win his next fight which he ended up doing. Gon was sent to the infirmary for his injury's and wasn't able to watch the rest of the fights.

The next couple of fights go on and it's killu as turn, and he was up against,, oh no he's up against illumi. I'm pretty sure killua wasn't supposed to know illumi was here, this is going to cause trouble. It'll be okay though cause illu is disguised. As I thought this however illumi-nii started removing the needles from his body returning to his original appearance. Killua and illu had this big fight and illumi hurt killua and brainwashed him, under the spell killua starts walking home. I already passed so I wrote a quick note to the chair man to give my hunters licence to Gon, I gave the letter to him and ran up to illumi and yelled "just cause your with hiso-nii doesn't mean I have to like you!" And slapped him across the face. He was shocked at what I just did looking down at me briefly and then to hiso as if asking what should he do. "Don't follow me!" I yelled to hiso and ran after killua.

Heyyy guys, you asked for it and I caved. I'm always reading the comments so when I saw a desperate reader crying out for a chapter I thought to myself. Eh might as well and so I did. Enjoy the snack,,,
Also so you guys know if you want more just ask, there's like 15 drafts just waiting to be read
~ sincerely your author

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