Island part 2

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I feel the heat from the sun on my skin, it's hot. I rub my eyes squint as I look at the surroundings, illumi was gone but hiso-nii was still asleep. I'm not sure why but my face is wet I don't really remember but I must have had a sad dream, maybe it's about the man I don't remember. I snuggle up to hiso as I try to forget him I have the troupe now and chrollo-nii I don't need him. Resting my head I fall back into sleep

Hisoka POV
Rei moves on my chest which wakes me from my slumber. I see that he's been crying in his sleep gently wiping the tears away I think about when Rei first joined the troupe and locked onto chrollo. We all thought it was weird when Rei started addressing him as a big brother instead of, papa as to our knowledge chrollo was the first male adult to show him anything but hate and disgust. But after a while we just accepted it.

I have to get up and collect my last tag once Rei wakes up again, I hope he's okay though his tantrum was pretty intense last night. It was probably his worst one yet, and might have taken a lot out of him

Rei POV (on the last day)
Ugh I'm gonna have to sleep on the way back, I couldn't find hiso-nii but I guess it's okay since he was busy getting his tags. At least gon, killua, kurapika and Leorio passed

We board the boat to take us back to the airship and to the final phase of the exam, not gonna lie I'm kinda nervous I'm mean hey I'm really strong and all but hiso-nii is way stronger than I am. I get into the airship and chairman netero makes an announcement that he will be doing one on one interviews in 10 minutes and to relax until then, while I wait I go to hisoka to talk but notice he's with illumi. It's not like I dislike illumi it's just that I don't want him to take hisoka away from me, not again...

It was finally my turn for an interview I walked into the room to see the chairman "come sit down" he says so I sit on the cushion, I'm kind of nervous. "So why do you want to be a hunter?" "Well I don't actually want to be a hunter I'm just here because I thought it would be fun and I wanted to hang with hiso-nii" I respond to the chairman "hmm interesting well, of the other nine applicants left who are you keeping an eye on" "#301 il- I mean gittaracker-nii he's nice but he's also a meanie so I have to keep my eye on him" "I see, last question who do you want to fight the least" "hmm.. I don't wanna fight anyone it's to tiring" " thank you for answering Rei-kun you can go now" the chairman excused me hmm that was pretty easy, I should go find hisoka and get to him before illumi hehehe.

While walking down the halls to find Hiso I came across Gon and Kurapika "I want to thank you too" I hear Gon say to Kurapika "heey Gon, Kurapika what are you doing" "oh Rei-kun we were just talking" Kurapika responds a little startled. "Well I'm gonna go take a nap and get ready for the final phase, you guys should too see ya" I say with a smile tilting my head to the side. While running off I wave goodbye to the two and set off to actually find hisoka

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