二 (2)

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Stream Feel Special guysue!!! My 3 ships are there too!

Let's go on with the story (sorry if its short)

It was the day were the well-known knight will be the Princess Sana's knew acquaintance, or whatsoever. The people in the kingdom already knew about this and they're having a conversation about it, in the hallway of the Minatozaki's palace.

"Hey, I heard that the king's daughter is having a new knight, again."

"Yeah I knew, I just hoped that she'll not force this one to quit like she did to the ones she had."

"I heard the rumors that, the famous Kim Dahyun is the one that'll be her last knight."

"If he quits or the princess will force him to, then that means that she'll never had a knight ever again?"

"Yes, but I'm sure that she can't make or force Sir Kim Dahyun to quit since he's very smart."

"And very handsome, too!"

"Princess Sana might even fall for Sir Kim!"

"No one can resist his charms!"

"That'll be great, then Sir Kim will be our new king if that thing happens!"

And that conversation ended with a squeal.

Apparently, Sana heard this, loud and clear. And thought of something.

"That Kim Dahyun sure is very famous. And me, falling for a knight? Pleeeaase... Oh I already decided to not get married with someone. They'll just broke your heart."

And with that, Sana left and went in front of the castle were the two thrones are, then she sat next to his father.

"Oh Sana-chan, my daughter. What make you come this late?" Her father asked with a hint of worry.

But before Sana can even told him anything, not like she wanted to answer anyway, the King already spoked. "Nevermind, its unecessary. Your knew knight will be here in a minute." Sana just nodded and oblige her father.

After a minute or so, Sana's new knight came and then kneeled down in front of King Saitou as a sign of respect.

"King Minatozaki Saitou, I, Kim Dahyun, accept your offer to be this beautiful daughter of yours, Princess Minatozaki Sana, as her knight for 10 years if I can last for her until 5 months." The knight said with full of respect in his voice while still kneeling down in front of the king.

"Are you really sure? Then, can I hear what you'll promise to my daughter?" King Saitou asked, shortly, without a single doubt on his voice.

Fortunately for Dahyun, he noticed it, but continued to gave a calm and emotionless face and voice then faced the king, full of self-confidence and determination, the king wondered why.

"As the knight who doesn't broke his promises, I vow to protect the princess, Minatozaki Sana, at any cost. Even if it means, risking my life ."

King Saitou stood up and took his sword that is on top of a red fancy pillow. He used it to gently pat it on Dahyun's left and right shoulder, without the sword touching his shoulders.

(A/N: Lol wut? 🤣 You know, when you watch this kind of movies or shows, don't they do that kind of thing? I just don't know how to explain it 😂)

"Very well then. I hereby pronounced you, as my daughter's new knight. Please protect my daughter at any cost, Sir Kim Dahyun."

Meanwhile, Princess Sana stared at her new knight, mouth agaped with widened eyes.

"His face looks so familiar..."

To be continued...


Feel Special:

Feel Special:

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SaiDa 💕

MiChaeng 💖

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MiChaeng 💖

MiChaeng 💖

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MoTzu 💗

[COMPLETED✔]"The Promise" SaiDa (Princess x Knight AU)Where stories live. Discover now