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After 15 years...

Dahyun was already the ruler of the Minatozaki Kingdom as King Saitou already passed away 3 years ago. It was tragic, yes, but they already found a new king who will inherit he's throne. And yes, Dahyun was now called "Minatozaki Dahyun".

Wanna know what he picked after the talk between him and his father?


"I want to...

...be considered as a traitor and live with Sana and the Minatozaki's."

The answer that the king was waiting for was indeed surprising. He didn't expect his son to choose this one. "What!? D-Dahyun... aren't you afraid that your own relatives will call you a traitor!?"

"I'm not, as long as I have Sana by my side. I don't care if they are my own relatives. The important thing is that, you, brother Taehyung, Sana, her father, and Jisung are here to support me whatever decision I've made." Dahyun proudly told his father while hugging Sana by her side.

"They're not the only ones who will be there to support you, Sir Dahyun..." Called a familiar bored voice. King Hyunshik, Dahyun and Sana looked behind them to see the remaining members of the group, BTS, with Jisung's joined group, Stray Kids. King Saitou was with them, too.

"Suga?" Dahyun gasped.

"Who else? Don't tell me you've already forgotten your rival?" The taller pale guy, Suga, smirked at the shorter one.

Min Yoongi, also known as Suga, became the leader of BTS. Unfortunately, they already retired in the present time, they disbanded it 5 years ago.

Meanwhile, Stray Kids also have a new leader. Guess what? It's Han! Because of his skills on the time when Jungkook was still a 'part' of their group, the position was given to him.

Speaking of Jungkook, he already got out of prison. And here's another guess what. The girl he met inside the prison and him are already a couple now. And yes, Nayeon is already out of jail too as she explained to the king of the Yoo's, Yoo Kyungwan, the whole story.

Back to the flashback.

"Of course I haven't forgotten it, Suga." Dahyun smirked back.

"Dahyun, does this mean, you'll be a part of our family now?" Han asks his future foster brother-in-law.

"When I proposed to your noona, that's the time when I'll be a part of your family." Sana blushed at Dahyun's statement and punched the guy slightly on the shoulder. "Really, though. I want a marriage between us immediately."

Sana's father chuckled at his future son-in-law. "Then, why don't we do it as soon as possible?"

"I agree with you, Saitou. Though, preparations is a must!" Said Dahyun's father.

"I agree. Hyunshik."

"Seems like the parents are more excited than the couple." Said Taehyung as the day was filled with chats and laughters between the two kingdoms and the two groups.

Flasback ended...

2 years after Sana and Dahyun's wedding, they were given a very handsome son named Minatozaki Shin. They can't use the Kim as Dahyun was now considered a traitor of their family.

Then, 5 years after Shin was born, a new baby had come to them. It was a girl this time. Her name was Minatozaki Dana.

Shin was now a tall, 13 years old boy. While Dana is still 8 years.

Shin is a prince that inherited Dahyun's handsome and charming face, his kindness, his brains, and the love of helping other people. He also inherited his father's stone-cold voice. The things that he inherited from his mother was the eyes, the way she smiles, and her skin tone. The two personas that he got from Sana was her stubborness and the brains of being a ruler of the kingdom. His skills were playing archery and sword battles at such a young age.

Dana is like a carbon-copy of his mother, though, she got the monolid eyes and the pale skin from his father. Her cheeks was definitely from her mother. The personas she got from his father was being helpful to people, while she got from her mother was her stubborness, elegancy, cuteness, and being lovable to her parents and others.

What is Sana and Dahyun are right now, tho? Well, let's just say that... it's a mess now inside the palace.


"Wait, Sana-chan! Let me explain!"

"I'm not blind! I clearly saw that!"

"It was just a misundersta- whoa!" Dahyun was lucky that he avoided the shoe that was thrown to him by his jealous wife. "She's my Heechul-samchon's (uncle) wife, for godjihyo's sake! Stop being so possesive!"

"I don't care!"

"Mom, Dad, stop fighting over nonsense things." Their son smartly talked.

"Eomma, appa... please, stop fighting." Of course, their daughter had to be this cute and plead for them to stop.

The new queen sighed and took a seat from a fancy chair near her. "Alright, Dana. Eomma and appa wouldn't quarrel again, for now."


"I'm just kidding!"

Dahyun walked closer to Dana. He kneeled in front of their daughter to reach her level. "Mommy's right, Dana. We wouldn't fight again. But as you can see, it can't be avoided. So, please understand appa and eomma, okay?" Then, he patted the little girl on the head gently as he smiled.

"And now, my queen. I believe this is yours." Dahyun then went in front of Sana and kneeled down as he putted his wife's shoe back.

"Who am I? Cinderella?" Sana giggled at her joke.

"And I'm prince CHARMING." Dahyun laughed as Sana smacked him on the head. "Ow..."

"Mom and Dad looks like those teenage couples." Shin said as he crossed his arms while secretly smiling.

"I think it's cute, brother!" Dana says.

And that's how the family ended up with laughters as they enjoyed their time together though the whole day.

The End...


Their story might have started with a misunderstanding, but eventually, they learned to accept their mistakes and of course, each other. They faced a lot of problems to deal with. But there wasn't a single one that hasn't been solved.

Love can do anything. They can make smart people to be foolish and foolish people to be smart. They can also change a lot of things from a person, whether good or bad.

For example, Jungkook loves Tzuyu who already loves Taehyung. That thing leads him to ruining a lot of people's lives. That is the bad result. The good one is that, he learned to accept it in the end. And because of his sacrifice, a new special person was given to him.

This story might have been quite rushed but overall, I think this was far the best story I came up with. This is also the first book I've just finished. Can you believe that?

I just wanted to say one more time, thank you all for those who supported, read, and voted for this book I once called a trash. Love ya'll!

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