二十 (20)

682 36 3

After Suga leave the leader's room, he realized that Jimin and J-Hope is outside the door, probably waiting for one of them to go outside.

"Suga." J-Hope started. "Jin, he's already awake!" The latter's eyes widened and began to go inside Namjoon's room again.

"RM! Jin's already awake!" He cried.

The leader's ears perked up in surprise but decided to calm himself down. "Okay, let's go to his room."

Jin's Room...

"Jin..." Namjoon called.

"RM?" The oldest said weakly, still laying down on his bed.

"Yes, it's me. Are you feeling any better?" Asked the conerned leader.

"Y-Yeah, a little bit." Jin answered shortly.

"Would you like me to get you something? Like water? Or are you hungry?" Namjoon continued to question the oldest, but the latter shooked his head no.

"Jin." This time, it was J-Hope who spoked. "You have to eat, you're clearly hungry. You haven't eaten since morning up until now." The concerned ball of sunshine told the oldest.

"I-I guess, a little food will be enough..." said Jin and the leader smiled at him. He's relieved that the oldest isn't as stubborn as the ash-gray haired pale guy.

"Okay then. Jimin, J-Hope, come with me in the kitchen, we'll gonna make food for Jin. I'm also gonna make food for you two." Namjoon told the said people and the two began to cheer. "Suga, can you stay here and keep watch of Jin?" The said guy nodded at him.

The leader couldn't help but smile as he admire the view of his members. He thought. "We're all are like a family if someone sees us. I hope we can be like this forever."
Meanwhile, let's get back at Jungkook...

"Taehyung's back at the Minatozaki Palace, eh?" Jungkook thought and smirked. "This is going to be more easier and interesting than I thought it would."

The messy-haired guy is on his way to the Minatozaki Kingdom to search for his "bestfriend". And to continue his plan, of course.

When he's already in front of the palace's door, the guards immediately stopped him.

"Stop right there! State your name, stranger." They said.

Jungkook cleared his throat and stated with his fake innocent voice. "Oh, my name's Jeon Jungkook. I was wondering if Prince Kim Taehyung is there inside."

"Oh, Mr. Jeon. Yes he's inside of the palace. I'm sorry for talking to you like that, the king's orders." One of the guards bowed as an apology, same as the other one.

"Don't worry, I know its very important haha." Jungkook 'dorkly' said while rubbing his nape. "Well then, I have to met up with the prince. See you around then."

"See you, too, Mr. Jeon."

Jungkook nodded while fake smiling and began to enter the palace.

"Now, where could Taehyung be?" He thought while looking around the big palace of the Minatozakis. He wander more until someone called him.

"Jungkook!?" Taehyung was surprised at the sudden visit of his 'bestfriend'.

"Teahyung!" Jungkook called and ran to the blue-haired prince to tackle him into a 'friendly' hug. "I missed you Tae!"

"I missed you, too. Say, how about a cup of tea while telling me a story called 'What are you doing here?'" Prince Taehyung chuckled, so as Jungkook.

"Great idea! 'Prince Taehyung'."

Someone familiar to Jungkook, called Taehyung. "Brother?"

"Oh, Dahyun."

"I didn't know you're gonna have a visitor today."

"I didn't expect it either. Its just a surprise visit from my bestfriend." Taehyung chuckled while pointing at Jungkook.

"Yeah! I really planned this." The messy-haired guy said, fake cheerfully.

"Oh, okay then." Answered of the pale knight shortly.

"Oh, and Dahyun, can you ask a maid to give us two cups of tea? Me and Jungkook are going to have a chat." Taehyung requested to his little brother.


After that being said by Dahyun, unnoticed by his brother, the knight took a glance at Taehyung's 'bestfriend'.

"That guy. There's something very odd about him..." Dahyun observed the suspicious messy-haired guy even more but decided to just shrugged it off.

Unfortunately for the knight, Jungkook noticed that Dahyun's looking at him.

"Looks like Taehyung's little brother is getting suspicious at me. Such an observant." Jungkook mentally smirked.

"So Jungkook." Taehyung started, which made the latter came back to reality.


"What's happening in the BTS right now?"

"Oh, hear me out, Taehyung. That's the reason why I came here..."

To be continued...

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