二十一 (21)

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The tea was already served to them by a maid while they were talking. They sipped once and began to continue to chat.

"Okay, I'll listen. Please, go on."

"But I have a favor, Taehyung, please calm down after I told you this." Jungkook stated 'worriedly' to Taehyung while the latter nodded his head.

Jungkook fake smiled while he proceed to tell the prince the story. "So, after you left us six, Suga became suspicious over you and began to follow you secretly. I don't know the whole story but when he came back, he told us that you're a traitor and only using the group for informations. Maybe, he already find out who you really are."

The prince didn't knew, so he was shocked. But as promised, he calmed down and signalled Jungkook to continue.

"Then he told us that, he'll kidnap your brother and Princess Tzuyu so you'll become weak. Lucky for us, I was there, so I knew all of their plans. We can take them down, Taehyung, with the two of us, their plan wouldn't succeed."

"They're really are evil! I can't believe them!" Frustrated, the prince stood up from his seat with an angry face.

"Whoa, calm down, Taehyung. As I told you, I heard their plans. We'll take them down, together we will succeed." Jungkook holds his 'bestfriend''s arm to calm him down. "Take a seat first, Tae." The prince do as what he was told.

After finally calming down, Taehyung sighed before asking the messy-haired guy. "What's your plan then, Jungkook?"

"Let's team up, Taehyung. With our combined power, we'll take the five of them down very easily."

"What!? No way! They may want to kidnap Dahyun and Princess Tzuyu but I wanted to take this one peacefully."

"Don't you get it, Tae? They don't want peace, they want revenge! And you know what? Their revenge wouldn't happen if you're idiotic little brother didn't took them down before-

"SHUT UP! Don't you ever drag my little brother on this!" You could tell that Jungkook was taken aback on the raise of Taehyung's voice, but he continued to argue with him.

"You know what? I'm sick and tired of you!" Jungkook had begun his plan. "You really think I'm the same bestfriend that you had before!? No, Taehyung! No! Because your a stealer! You stole my love, you stole Princess Tzuyu from me! You could've told your father to stop your arranged marriage with her but what did you do? You accepted it! You and your father clearly knew that I love Princess Tzuyu, but what? This stupid marriage had been brought back again! And your brother is one of the reasons why that thing happened!"

"What!? I don't get what you're saying! I don't know that you love Princess Tzuyu. If I knew right from the start, I'll let her go just for you!"

"Jokes on you, Taehyung! You knew about it! Remember when I told you that I loved a princess that we knew? That was Princess Tzuyu!"

"I-I... I didn't know about it, okay!?"

"Well, its too late now, Taehyung... You already stole her from me. And I'll never ever forgive you for that..." Jungkook began to leave the blue-haired prince, who's eyes are now filled up with tears.

"What happened to our friendship? Huh, Jungkook? Does our bond means nothing to you? Please, I don't want this..." The tears began to escape from Taehyung's eyes. Clutching his shirt, where his heart is located, he spoked. "Because of love, you're doing this kind of thing?"

Unnoticed by the prince, his little brother was just listening from afar.

"He's becoming more suspicious to me now. I'm guessing he had more plans, that's why he fought with brother, on purpose. I saw him smirked after they argued. I should take further notice. I can't jump on conclusions, yet..."

To be continued...

[COMPLETED✔]"The Promise" SaiDa (Princess x Knight AU)Where stories live. Discover now