七 (7)

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After the talk with the king, Dahyun walked inside the princess's room. He didn't bother knocking since the princess is sleeping and didn't wanted to disturb her.

Dahyun sat on the edge of the princess's bed and stared at her peacefully sleeping face.

"You're really beautiful, y'know? Sadly, you can't remember me at all."

He started to stroke the princess's soft and silky hair, missing the touch for several years that she's away from him.

"Why did I became foolish for not listening to my father? I'm such an idiot, like what you always said to your former knights. Becoming a knight is a very stupid decision that I've made."

He regretted everything that he have done, especially for not telling his real name to her. He gave the princess a light peck on her forehead, but this gentle gesture made the princess woke up. Dahyun immediately backs away as if nothing had happened.

"H-Huh? Sir Dahyun, why are you here?" The princess talked in a still sleepy voice, she sat on her bed and she looked at the said knight. "Did you talk to my father? Are you already done?" Sana was eager to know what happened to the knight and the king's talk.

"He made a suggestion for me and you." The knight answered.

"What is it?"

"If you and I will get married, he'll cancel the wedding of you and my bro- I mean Prince Taehyung's wedding."

"You know, I would rather get married with you than Prince Taehyung." Dahyun was taken aback by her words.

"W-What do you mean, princess?" Dahyun, who was still shocked by the princess's choice of words, asked curiously.

"Well, I feel safe around you. I don't know why but I do. It feels like I already know you before, and I felt that I could trust you more than my own father." Princess Sana told him shyly while looking down at her lap and blushing and smiling slightly.

"She felt safe around me, does this mean that, she liked me, too?"

"Princess, trusting me than your father is not a nice thing to say."

"I know right? That's why I'm confused, I never disrespected my father to the point that I trust other person than him. I don't know, maybe I'll console him tomorrow."

"Then, do you accept me? As your h-husband?" Dahyun's voice cracked at the mention of the word "husband" since he cannot believe that all of sudden this happened.

"Well, yeah. But I'm not ready yet, so maybe I'll decide to get married at the right time."

"But, princess, the marriage will have to be decided before 5 years or else you'll have to marry Prince Taehyung."

"Yeah, but, it won't take me THAT long to decide hahaha." The princess giggled causing the younger's heart to pound fast.

"Stop! This is not the right time." The knight was sweating as he had to prevent himself from blushing, right in front of the princess.

"Well, aren't you tired? Are you not going to sleep?" The princess asked while smiling at the knight.

"U-Uhm, no, princess, I still have to guard you. That's my duty. You know, I'd put my life on the line for you... if it ever came to that..."

"Aww, you are just the sweetest thing, I mean it, from the bottom of my heart."

Dahyun hardly can hide his blush from the princess. Her gentle voice and sweet words is just melting him right now.

"I-I uhm, princess... I h-have to go now. See you tomorrow, okay?" Dahyun stuttered out.

"Okay then, make sure you sleep well."

Finally, Dahyun exited the princess's room while holding his chest, feeling his heart throbbing so fast.

"I knew my feelings didn't change, seeing you smile is enough for my feelings for you to grew more."

Dahyun, continue his duty as Sana's knight/bodyguard and guarded her, outside the princess's room. Smiling every minute he thought that, he's finally going to get married by his one and only love.

Meanwhile inside Sana's room, the princess thought of the same thing. She can't stop smiling when she think about the knight.

"I can't stop thing about that knight. Did he, cast a spell on me?

This had been the thought inside her until she fell asleep.


Someone's falling for her knight, eh? Hahaha

When will Prince Taehyung and Chou Tzuyu take part on this story?

Spoilers: It will only take a few more chapters or maybe one more chap before that happen.

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