二十五 (25)

674 40 15


Princess Sana's voice boomed through the whole palace which made all of them to cover their ears.

She stomped her way to the king's room and bursted through the doors without giving a care.

"What was that, my daughter? An explosion?" The princess was even more furious when the king decided to joke on her.

Getting straight to the point, Sana asks her father, more like yelled. "Stop with the horrible jokes, father! I wanna know why have you decided to adopt a son!? Without ME knowing about it!"

The king sighed at the unlady-like attitute of his daughter. "I'll tell you everything, Sana. So, could you please calm down?"

"Princess Sana!" Sir Dahyun called for the princess. Realization hits her and she remembered that she had left her beloved, same with her foster brother.

"Sir Dahyun, Jisung. Please, take a seat and I'll start telling Sana, and now Sir Dahyun, on how I've met and adopted Jisung." Dahyun and Jisung oblige the king and began to listen.

"I have to ask this one first... Sana, have you already remembered who Sir Dahyun really is?"

"Yes, father. He's Dubu, my lov- I mean, childhood bestfriend." Sana looked at Dahyun who's gazing at her with a 'you almost slipped out our secret' look. Which Sana gazed back with an apologetic look.

"Okay, good. Then I'll start. It all started when Sir Dahyun had left without my little child knowing about it..."



"Yes, my princess?"

"Where's Dubu?"

"Oh, uhm... he... he already left, Sana."

"H-Huh? B-But I thought, h-he wouldn't leave me..." Little Sana began to sob.

"Shh... Don't cry, my daughter. He'll come back soon, okay?" King Saitou smiled at his daughter while reassuring her that it's okay.

"P-Promise...?" Little Sana sniffled.

"Yes. Promise..."




"How long does it gonna take before Dubu comes back?"

The smile that the king wore had turned into a frown, and his eyes looked so sorrowful as he glanced at his daughter. But he didn't want to show it to his only child, so he forced a smile as he talk to her.

"I'm really not sure, princess. But, believe it or not, he's going to come back."

"I'll believe it, father. I know he will." The little princess giggled that made her father worry less.

But that worry didn't lasted long as he remembered what he and Dahyun's father had talked about. Before King Hyunshik decided to keep Dahyun away from Sana.

"I need to keep Dahyun way from Sana for a few years." Dahyun's father said, very sternly.

"Why are you doing this? Sana would surely look and ask for Dahyun everyday."

[COMPLETED✔]"The Promise" SaiDa (Princess x Knight AU)Where stories live. Discover now