二十三 (23)

676 40 21

Earlier on chapter 22:

Sana giggled. "Yeah, you big dork." But Dahyun did nothing but gave her his charming eye smile before they fell asleep in each others arms.

Author: Continuation of çhąpţęř... wait, what's going on?

???: Lemme handle this chap for a moment, author... I'll make this one interesting.

Author: I don't know who you are but if that's what you want then... *sigh* go on. But only this one chapter, okay?

???: Only this one, I promise. But, don't you worry, I'll handle this.

Continuation of Chapter 23 by Jeon Jungkook...


Finally... a chapter made by me!

Now, to answer the question: "why did I took over this chapter?". Well because I have to make a different storyline, I don't want anyone to feel joyful, especially Taehyung and this damn author wanted a happy ending between Dahyun and Sana.

(A/N: So... its just you, Jungkook. Anyway, I can hear you, ya'know?)

Yeah, so please shut up? I'm telling something here...

(A/N: Yeah, whatever)

So... as I said, before this author had interrupted me, I don't want anyone to have a happy ending in this story. Only I can have that. They don't deserved to be happy, especially if one of those people had stole a special someone to me. But, if I ain't going to be happy, then none of us would.

Now, to continue my plan...

I was walking away from the Minatozaki Palace after arguing and ending my friendship on purpose with Taehyung. Well, our friendship had already ended a few years ago. I'm the only one who thinks about that, though.

Anyways, my next plan is to tell a make up story to BTS, to make them hate Taehyung, completely. I chuckled evily at my thought.

I'm very sure that Jin, J-Hope, and Jimin can't get out from the prison cell. Those three are weak and pathetic, they're a bunch of idiots. Well, except for Jin, but all he has is brains not strength.

I continued to walk, yes walking from the Minatozaki Palace to our group's shared house. And my, isn't it very tiring. However, it's very worth it if my plan will succeed. I'll have the power, riches, and marry Princess Tzuyu, whether she like it or not.

(A/N: So, you're gonna, like, force her to marry you?)

At first, no, but if she will be very stubborn like her cousin and wouldn't accept it, then yes.

(A/N: You're absurd...)

Shut up...

Time Skip...

I'm finally here. My legs are killing me!

But I have to hold it, can't let my plan go down.

"RM! Are you inside!?" I called for the leader.

"Jungkook!? Is that you!?" He called back from inside the house.


"Wait there! I'm going outside!" I didn't answered him and wait for a few seconds. Then he came oustide looking very tired, and his eyes are very... puffy? I wonder if he's been crying. That's good... then those three haven't got out from the prison cell until now, huh? I mentally smirked.

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