二十二 (22)

669 43 3

"Tae..." The prince shift his gaze to his little brother.

"Dahyun..." Taehyung wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "H-Have you been listening the whole time?" His little brother nodded.

"Brother... your 'bestfriend' is very suspicious."

"Huh? How so?"

"Didn't you saw him smirked after he 'fought' with you?"

"What's with you and emphasizing your words, Dahyun? And no, I didn't saw it."

"Well, the answer to that question is, he more likely didn't consider you as a bestfriend for a long time." Dahyun explained.

"You mean, he's been lying to me for a long time?"

"I can't answer that, Taehyung. But I know for sure, he has a plan on mind. That's why, you have to quit being a mess there and help me solve this problem with your so called bestfriend." The knight slightly smiled at his brother.

"Y-You're right... I'm wasting my time crying here." The prince chuckled. "Sometimes, I don't even know who's the elder between us."

Dahyun laugh. "Well, you are the elder brother here. You're just a crybaby."


The Kim brothers laughed and teased and chat with each other inside the palace until the sun had set, replacing it with the beautiful moonlight.

The prince asks the king if he can spend the rest of the day in their palace, which King Saitou agreed. Right now, he's currently asleep on the palace's guest room.

Meanwhile, the knight was also inside his room, except that he's still not sleeping. He's staring at the shining light of the moon on the balcony.

"Can't sleep?" A familiar gentle voice of a female stated behind him, which Dahyun immediately recognized who.

"Not really. Just thinking of things. What about you? You're supposed to be asleep now, right?" Dahyun replied to the princess, not remozing his gaze from the moon.

"I'm just worried about you." The knight was taken aback on what words had left the princess's mouth.

"Worried?" Sana hummed in response. "Did you, heard the conversation between me and my brother? Dahyun questioned, completely clueless and still shocked.

"I'm surprised that you didn't noticed me. I'm sorry for eavesdropping, though. But, is there something I can do to help you both?" Asks the princess while smiling at her knight.

"Oh, uhm... I don't think there's something. But, you could ask brother for that question. He's the one responsible for this plan of ours." The princess nodded. "So... is that why you've come here? To ask me that?"

"Actually, there's something I wanted to tell you..." Suddenly, the princess looked away from the knight, looking so shy and even blushing a little.

"Really? What is it?" Dahyun shift his gaze to Sana, feeling himself also heating up.

"What's this? Why do I feel nervous all of a sudden?"

"I-I... uhm. S-Sir Dahyun... d-do... do you like someone already?"

"No way! Is she gonna...?"

Dahyun decided to lie. "No."

"R-Really? W-Well... what will your reaction be... if I told you that..."

The knight gulped. "T-That?"

"That... I-I love you, Dahyun..."

That was it, that's what Dahyun is expecting from what is Sana's weird behaviour. But even so, he couldn't believe it... the girl of his dreams... love him back!

"-I love you, Dahyun... I didn't know that I do, before my father told me so."

"P-Princess... I... I love you, too."

"W-Wait! R-Really!?"

"Y-Yeah! You know, ever since we've met, up until now, I'm always been strucked by your beauty. I always felt myself heating up just by your voice and whenever I think about you, I always felt butterflies inside my stomach." Dahyun realized that he's been rambling and complimenting Sana so he clasped his palm over his mouth to shut himself up. What also made him realized that the princess is getting embarrassed or so, is because of how red her face is.

"T-Thank you for the compliments, Dahyun... But really, you've like- I mean love me for that long?"

Gaining his composture, Dahyun answered Sana. "Y-Yeah. I mean, who wouldn't fall for you? You're beautiful, you're gorgeus, you're cute, you're perfect and there's no one who could ever surplus you--"

"Yah! You're rambling again, and its embarrassing, you know?" The princess covered her super red face with her palms.

"A-Ahh! I'm sorry, princess! I won't do that again!"

"Could you stop calling me princess?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, now that we're... err... lovers. I guess you could just speak to me more casually."

"Do you mean, I'll have to call you 'Sana' whenever we spoke to each other?" The princess hummed in response. "What about the king? Is this alright for him?"

"Well, he wouldn't even offer a marriage between us if he's not."

"Oh, right, I'm sorry..."

"You're so kawaii (cute), Dahyun!"

"What happened to the princess I knew!?"

"Well, what happened to the knight I knew?"

"Fair point."

Both of them laughed at each other. A few seconds later, they find themselves cuddling each other on the knight's bed.

"Seems like the old times, huh?" Dahyun asks Sana while stroking her hair.

"Yeah. And it feels great to be like that, again." The princess answered.

"Well, there's something that have changed, though." Dahyun looked at the princess and smiled at her. "We're aren't childhood bestfriends anymore. We're lovers now. And that's even more great!"

Sana giggled. "Yeah, you big dork." But Dahyun did nothing but gave her his charming eye smile before they fell asleep in each others arms.


Jungkook: Do you really think that I'll let their story to have a happy end?

*laughs maniacally*

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