Dear Diary: 12/12/2011

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03:01 AM

I’m so drunk. Just got back from Cameron's party, and it was wild. I’ll tell you more about it when I’m sober.

11:10 AM

Ugh. I just woke up, and I have the worst hangover. I really need to stop doing this to my body, but last night got out of hand. I can't believe I started another diary. Sometimes I want to give up on this task and just start living, but I have this feeling that things are about to change and get really interesting.

So let me reintroduce myself.

Name: Thandeka Zulu

Birthday: September 1, 1993

Address: I live in Durban, South Africa, in a small town called Athens, where everyone knows everyone, and the kids have grown up together.

Best Friend: Melissa Hart—she's my soulmate.

Relationship Status: Totally single, but my heart belongs to Scott James.

Siblings: I have an older brother and sister, as well as a half-sister who is ten years younger than me.

Favorite Book: All the Harry Potter books

Favorite Movie: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

My Hero: Queen Bey—Beyoncé, my queen.

Favorite Avenger: Hulk... or Thor.

My Favorite Thing in the World: I have a little bookshelf filled with books by J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, and Robin Jones Gunn. I love those books; they are my life.

Now that you’re reacquainted with me, let me tell you about last night. As you know, it was Cameron's 18th birthday party, and he’s the first one in our matric group to hit the big 1-8. I went to Melissa's house to get ready. Melissa, or Liss, is my bestie. We share everything—lunch, fears, dirty secrets, and sometimes even crushes (except for Scott James; that crush is off-limits). All the girls at school want to be like us; we’re just that adorable. We started this thing where we walk the school halls holding hands, and now all the besties do it.

Liss and I can dance, but unfortunately, not everyone can replicate our moves, though they do try, bless them. Liss is tall, has an amazing figure for an Indian girl (and boy, does she know it), with light skin and dark curly hair that she often wears straight with bangs. I’m short and curvaceous, with an ass that won’t quit, and I’ve been blessed with a small figure. I’m also light-skinned and wear my hair natural. My dad’s side of the family is mixed—my great-grandmother is white, and my great-grandfather is black—so I have long hair that goes past my shoulders.

So, Liss and I chose our outfits: I wore a black-and-white mini pleated dress with sandals, while Liss opted for shorts and a crop top with furry boots. We both wore heavy eyeliner and mascara with red lipstick. Liss's boyfriend, Kent, picked us up, and we headed to the party. On the way to Cameron's house, Kent mentioned he wanted a chill night, and I looked at him and said, "I’m going to get FUCKED UP. I don’t have time for a chilled night." They all laughed, thinking I was joking, but I was serious.

Cameron's house is huge—like a mini mansion. When we arrived, Rihanna's "Who's That Chick" was blaring from the speakers, and almost everyone in Grade 11 was there. The drinks were flowing, and I was buzzing. But things went downhill when someone suggested we play Kings, a drinking card game. If you draw a 1 or an Ace, everyone takes a shot; if you get a 2, you and someone else take a shot; and if it's a 3, the boys take a shot. The person who draws the last King card drinks from a jug filled with all kinds of alcohol.

Guess who pulled the last King card? That’s right, it was me. Honestly, I’m surprised I don’t have liver failure at this point. Everything after that is a blur. I remember someone falling into the pool, and I recall Darren, one of my classmates, leaving every five minutes until Kent whispered to me that Darren had diarrhea and was too embarrassed to use the bathroom at the party, so he kept running home to take a dump. What a freak! One of my classmates, Dean, was so drunk he thought he was a great dancer. He was attempting what we call "The Two-Step," but his feet were moving so fast that he slipped and fell over the balcony into the hedges below. We all laughed; it was hilarious.

The only downside was that I didn’t have anyone to ogle because Scott James didn’t show up. Isn’t it sad when the person who normally makes these kinds of parties exciting is absent? There was no one to impress or stalk, and no chance that he would declare his undying love for me and leave his girlfriend, whom he’s been with since Grade 8.

Anyway, that was the last time I would see my classmates until we start school as Matrics (seniors) and some of us as prefects next January. The prefects start school three days early to prepare for the Grade 8 orientation. Liss is also going away for the holidays, but my cousin Nick is coming to visit. You know how we all have that one cousin with whom we have great chemistry, and you think, "Maaaaan, if we weren’t cousins..."? But you are, so you keep it strictly family and professional. That’s Nick for me.

Nick arrives the day after tomorrow, so things should start to get interesting.

Oh, and my mother is coming. She’ll probably lecture me on the dangers of drinking. I remember how she swore at Liss last night when they brought me home, calling her a witch for letting me get THAT drunk. It wasn’t Liss's fault; I was always going to get drunk. I’m young, wild, and free.

Lots of love,

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