Dear Diary 06/04/2012

10 1 0

8:15 PM

I'm back from Melissa's, and we had a great time. She really helped take my mind off Dean. We had fun, took lots of pictures, and I posted them so Dean could see I can live without him too.

My emotions are all over the place. One moment, I hate him for leaving so easily after making all those promises. The next, I'm overwhelmed with sadness because I love him. I keep thinking I'll never find anyone like him, then I miss him, check my phone, see no new messages, and go back to hating him.

Melissa's family was wonderful. I bonded with everyone, despite a little incident where her cousin accidentally burned a chunk of my hair with a straightener. I don't even want to think about that—my hand shakes just remembering it. But overall, it was a good trip.

I guess I should text Dean to come get his stuff since he'll need his blazer for school.

Oh my gosh, I finally sent him a message after hours of typing and deleting:

"Hi Dean. There are some things you left here that need to be picked up. Let me know when you can come by, and we can make arrangements. Thanks."

His response was almost immediate:

"I'm in the area, I'll come by in an hour."

My hands started shaking when I read his text, and my heart was racing. Part of me was nervous, but a big part of me was excited to see him. I have to go.

A little later

So Dean came after  an hour and a half. before he came I was freaking out and screaming for my sister

"BUHLE!!!!! BUHLE!!! Dean is coming!!!" I screamed at my sister

"WHAT???" My sister yelled from the living room.

"DEAN!!" I yelled.

Then my mom stuck her head out her room and yelled at us for yelling. *rolling my eyes*. My sister helped me pick out a tres cool outfit. I had on skinny jeans and a simple white Tee that showed off my breastsessss. Dean is crazy about my boobs. I had on braids that I wore down. When Dean arrived, he honked at the gate and I went outside trying to calm my erratic breathing. His silver VW  was parked out the gate, I carried the box with his stuff over to him. He didn't even look up at me, he was on his phone. My heart fell but I didn't let it show on my face. I rapped on his car window from the passenger side, and he looked up and then rolled the window down. Gosh, he looked so good. Seeing him look so exquisite made my heart squeeze painfully.

"Hi Dean. Here's your stuff," I said, trying to pass the box through the window. He got out of the car and came up behind me, standing so close I could hardly breathe. He leaned over, took the box, and placed it in his trunk. I noticed he was wearing a white shirt, black jeans, and black Vans.

"Oh, are you going out, Dean?" I tried to sound casual, but even I could hear the envy in my voice.

"Yeah, a lot of people from my school are going to my friend, Kalvin's 18th birthday party at a club called Origins," he replied, looking me up and down. My whole body tingled, and I was dying for him to touch me.

"Sounds fun," I said, though the thought of girls ogling him made me uneasy.

He stepped closer, placing his arms on either side of me, palms against his car. My attraction to him had only intensified.

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