Forgiveness. Can you imagine~

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NanaChanGamer says: You have hurt an innocent bean, that's what you've done.

starshineburst says: Yes there is a balance Ink and every multiverse has one.

Shadow_DarkTale_AU says: Ask: Uhh...What will the so-called "Good Guys" do after they found out about the balance?
Dare: Error I dare you to go back downstairs into the living room and see what happened to the "Good Guys" because they just found out about the balance!

In the living room, you can see Blue and Dream comforting Ink who is spaced out while tears stream down his face.

"We'll definitely do a truce." Dream stated to you before turning back to Ink. "How about we go to Error, Ink? That way we can see what we will do for the truce." Ink nodded as the trio headed upstairs to Error's door.

"They know?" Error hummed as he sat beside Life. He perked up at the idea of them knowing, seeming hopeful that he wouldn't have to destroy before looking at the ground. "...Just because they know does not mean that I won't still have to destroy. I don't want to be the reason Ink stops doing something he loves to do." Error sighed before shaking his head gently.

"Besides. I stopped caring for myself a long long time ago. What's a few more eons or up until Ink stops. As long as Tori and the kids are happy, I am." Error smiled fondly as he looked at his lover.

Ink, Dream, and Blue cover their mouths when they heard Error talk to the annon. Ink knocked on the door, leading to Error opening it a minute later.

"Oh! Um... Hi...?" Error greeted the trio. Ink immediately rushed up and hugged Error, sobbing out apologies.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-" Ink cried into Error's chest. Error froze up before relaxing and wrapping his arms around the creator.

"Ink it's fine. You didn't know." Error said.

"I should have! I'm so sorry!" Ink sobbed into Error's chest as Life came up behind them.

"Ink, It's fine. All that matters is that you know now. But there will be a truce, right?" Life questioned.

"Mhm. That's why we are here." Dream confirmed as Blue wiped Ink's tears.

"Right. Then we should start discussing." Life nodded as they all entered/re-entered the room. Life picked Error up though, causing the soon-to-be-former destroyer to blush and cover his face.

(Whelp I don't get mercy today. Cause I re-write these XD)

SneezySnails says: :P Gotta say this multiverse is very different. And to answer your question Blue the most common way you became friends with Error was when he would kidnap you and take you into the Anti-Void. Don't take it as a bad thing most of the time he was working for much longer than he should have without rest so he wasn't thinking rationally. He would take you and you would see how he lived and what he has gone through and how much of an innocent cinnamon bun he is. But then you would be put back into your universe because of the risk of becoming corrupted in the Anti-Void and Stretch would not allow you to leave the house for months after leading you to snap eventually, get caught and or leave if or when Error jumped into the Void... Long explanation but thought you should know...

Ink and Dream blink in surprise as Blue listened carefully. Error and Life listened along even though they heard it before.

"Yeah, I'm glad Erratum got to heal in the other multiverse." Error smiled.

"And now it's your time to heal Ruru." Life smirked as she gently kissed Error's head, causing the glitching skeleton to blush. "Besides you almost reached that limit where your counterparts have way too many times.

@SneezySnails says: And Error just awwww you are such a good boyfriend! Life is very lucky to have someone like you. And dare Error to show everyone your dolls! You can't keep them to yourself they are too cute! That's it I'm done(finally) bye! (I'm adding this part but this and the last one are one comment. I just separated them.)

Error perked up before hiding his blushing face. "How though? I barely know what to do..." Error muttered into his hands. Life lowered Error's hands from his face and pulled Error to lean on her chest.

"And yet you're doing an amazing job, Ruru." Life hummed to the blushing destroyer.

"How can I show one of the puppets if we can't open portals?" Error tilted his head confused. A portal suddenly opened and some of the puppets fell through.

"Well, that's one way." Life chuckled.

-XCross-SansX- says: Oh that's what people do when they ship two thinks together Dream.

"Ship?" Dream and Error questioned in unison, taking Dream, Ink, and Blue by surprise.

"Why would there be a boat here?" Error asked, tilting his head to the side.

"...Okay yeah, you're staying innocent." Ink concluded.

"I'm not innocent." Error huffed.

"Error. I was messing around with the annons. But let's just say that there are multiple types of ships." Dream shortly explained.

"But I've hurt too many to be innocent..." Error trailed off, looking at the ground guiltily.

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