What's up with me and ask and dare books?

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KayTheOkayest said: Also, a quick note to everyone! I and a few other people are going to start an ask or dare book together with this author right here! If you want to join and give us asks and dares, you can go right over to the server here! P.S. I don't mean to be annoying with this promo stuff, just trying to let you know.

"Kay, like I've said it's fine. If it's rated E then I don't mind what's plugged into my books. It doesn't even have to be something related to me. I don't mind if people suggest things to me. Also to everyone else, PM me or go to my conversations on my profile for the link. Sorry but the link won't paste onto here." Lunar chirped.

"Mistress? What are you doing?" A female girl called out as she walked over to Lunar. (Photo at top.)

"Hi, Araicia! I'm doing the ask and dare book!" Lunar smiled.

"But aren't you gonna be in an ask and dare book?" Araicia tilted her head, confused.

"Yes but that one will focus on me. The one from the past is finished. This one is focusing on a ship I made. UwU" Lunar smirked.

"...You 'morden' mistresses and sires are strange..." Araicia sighed as she left.

Fawnkat says: Do I REALLY need to explain? We're aware of fourth wall breaks. Mostly because they often get burned down by someone.

"I have no idea what you mean. What is the fourth wall~?" Blue teased, smile wide as ever. From the window you can see Lunar waving when you mention it getting burned down, only to be dragged away by Daze and Araicia.

SneezySnails says: I survived with very little emotional stability left... I cried for a good two hours... but I'm back! This A&D book has some completely out of each at this point. It's probably one of the funniest and most confusing things I have ever been apart of! XD

Question: how long are they going to be stuck here? And are the events that occur here going to affect their actions outside of the book? Or will their memories be erased? Dare: give those sweet little terrors known as null and void a snail stuffy. The yellow one with orange polka dots for void and a light blue and darker blue paint splatter patterned one for null. I love you too sweeties and keep up the good work erratum!

Lunar shrugs at the ask. "I don't know. I don't plan out what's not a fanfiction or one-shot. I just go with it. I guess I'll end it when it gets overwhelming?" Lunar hummed. "That or I get bored or too lazy to do it. Also, I don't think I plan on making this an actual book. If you want to, go ahead. The only reason the last ask and dare book got it's own multiverse- Also known as Hidden Secrets- was because it was sort of a demo so I can figure out how it'd fit. So yeah I guess they'd remember. ...That'd make a good storyline..." Lunar explained before trailing off.

Death, Erratum, Null, and Void blink in surprise as the snails are placed in the children's lap. Null hands the yellow one to Void as he takes the blue one. He turns to the annon.

"Thank you!" Null chirped cutely, leading to quiet cooes from the group. (Also the original multiverse of this ask and Dare, like not Erratum's or Fault's, their Death will be known as Reaper.)

"Thank you annon." Erratum hummed as he held Void.


"Fair enough." Lunar shrugged. "Also I've been telling my family I need mental help for years. Blame them." Lunar smirked playfully.

T-Dude dared: I've got one: Everyone gets gender-bent.

In a blink of an eye, everyone has switched genders. The only difference for the skeletons is that they have echo-hair. Life's horns grow larger. Everyone's clothes are switched out to be more feminine, besides Error. His clothes change to a baggy shirt and sweatpants because why not. They all blink in surprise before accepting it quickly after hearing the ask.

DustyUwU dares: *all zem bad guys suddenly have wings (You can choose what kind, creator), but Error has zem fluffy gray wings*

Xed, Butcher, Slayer, Fault, Fear, Azure, Erratum, and Error have wings on their backs suddenly. Error has fluffy silver wings that the tips are a navy blue. Butcher and Slayer's wing matches with sleek white wings, tipped in red. Xed's wings are the reverse with sleek red wings tipped in white. Fear's wings would have been a fuzzy white with purple tips had his goop not covered the wings and replaced the tentacles. The purple shines through, however, but it has a hue of teal. Azure has grey fluffy wings tipped in the color azure. Erratum's wings match Death and Reaper's by being full-on black.

Error's wings wrap around herself immediately. Erratum wings are immediately noticed by the kids and they start messing with them, not hurting their parent though.

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