Chapter 1

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Clarke's POV

Mother and I were sitting at the dinner table. We were eating in silence.

"Clarke you have to..." my mother starts.

"No. I don't want to..." I say to my mother and continue eating.

"Clarke. That Blake boy wants to take us to the New World! This is a once in a life time opportunity!" She says excitedly.

"Mother! Bellamy obviously wants to marry me! I don't want that!" I say. "Also father left us this house! We can't just leave it!" I frown.

"Clarke... we soon won't be able to pay for this house. This chance to go somewhere else! And even if the Bellamy boy wants to marry you, that would be good for our family." She says from across me.

Before I could say anything I hear a little cough from behind me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude but if I may say something." I hear Raven say. She is a maid in our house. She is also my best friend. My mother nods at her.

"Clarke, Bellamy is willing to take us all to the New World! Even me... soon our mother won't be able to pay my family and I'll have to go somewhere else..." she says with sorrow in her eyes. I frown and look back at my mother.

"Fine. Fine. We can go to the New World!" I say and I continue eating.


That night Raven and I are in my room getting me ready for bed. She is brushing my hair while we sit on the bed.

"Why do you even want to go Rae? You'll have to leave your family." I say and I can feel her smile frown a little.

"My mother wants me to go. My father is off to war and we haven't heard back in a long time. And mother... well... she has a fever. She doesn't want me around. It's said to be deadly." She finishes and I turn to look at her.

"Oh Rae!" I say and I grab her into a hug. She hugs me back and we stay like that for a while.

"This is our chance Clarke. We'll have a new life!" She says and she gets off the bed. "Good night!" She says with a smile as she walks out.

I lay down thinking about the past day. I'm going to the America's.


We were said to be having lunch with the Blake siblings today at noon. Raven is getting me ready in my room.

"Raven this dress is way to much!" I say looking at the dress while she ties my corset.

"Your mother wants you to wear it! Not my fault!" She says I groan as she ties the corset tighter. "I'm sorry!"

After several minutes of getting in the dress we are complete and head down for Lunch.

I walk in the room and see Bellamy standing in fine clothes. Octavia is standing next to him talking to my mother.

"Hello Darling." Bellamy greets with a smile. He takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on it. I cringe.

We all sit down to eat and Bellamy is across from me. "So have you fine woman thought about our offer to the New World. We have a ship with the finest men on it." Bellamy asks getting straight down to business.

My mother looks at me and I nod. "We have already sold the house." My mother says and I choke on my food.

"What?!" I say a little louder than a 'proper' lady should. "You sold the house without consulting me?!"

"Not now Clarke." She mutters and I obey.

"Well we plan to leave in two days time!" Bellamy says with a cheery smile. I nod. My mother smiles.

I hate this.


Raven and I are packing the final things for the house. I look around my home. My fathers home. We are leaving the last thing I have of my father. Well not the last thing. He gave me his watch. And I always have that.

Raven and I leave the house and get into the carriage with the Blake siblings and my mom. I am silent the whole time staring down at my lap. I am in one of my nicest dresses.

"The boat has some fine sailors, we will have meals everyday and our own rooms." Bellamy says breaking the silence, "it's a big boat."

I nod and my mother looks at him with glowing eyes.


We pull up to the docks and in front of us was a ginormous boat that was black and on the back of the boat it says 'The Ark'. I am in awe of the beauty of the boat. I look over to Bellamy and he nods.

"It'll do." He says. I see a man walking down this long slack of wood that reaches the top of the boat and goes all the way down to the docks. He walks over to us. He is wearing nice clothes but they are obviously worn.

"Mr. Blake! Pleasure to meet you sir." The bald man says wiping his hands on his trousers and putting his hand out to shake Bellamy's.

"Pleasures all mine Mr.-"

"Just call me Titus sir." The bald man says cutting off Bellamy. Bellamy nods and smiles. "Please follow me onto the boat. My men will get your luggage."

Bellamy puts his arm out for my mother. She takes it and smiles at him. Raven and I link arms and walk up the plank of wood.

When we reach the top of the boat there are men working all over the boat. They are carrying wood around or huge barrels or crates or rope that is as thick as their arms. Which were pretty big.

"Welcome to The Ark. My family has worked here on this very boat for a long time. I trust all of this men with my life. Lincoln is my son and he is my First Mate." Titus said with a smile. I'm still in awe with the boat.

"In fact here he is. Lincoln come over here will ya." Titus says to a big muscular tan man. The man puts down the wood he was carrying. He turns and smiles at us. His nose is a little crooked but his smile is sweet. I see Octavia tense up at the sight of him.

"Nice to meet you." Bellamy says sticking out his hand to shake Lincoln's. Lincoln wipes his hands on his trousers and shakes his hand.

Within those seconds I see rope flying from the top of the sails and two people swinging down from them. They land laughing. They turn to an angry Titus. My breath is caught when I see them. They are both gorgeous. One of them has puffy curly hair and a kind smile. However. The other has a sharp jaw line and the greenest eyes. I cant stay away from her eyes. She is making eye contact with me. I feel Raven push up my jaw so that my mouth isn't gaping open.

They walk over to Titus. That's when I see who they are. They are girls. Well not girls. Women.

"I am so sorry about them. These are my daughters Luna and Lexa." Titus says introducing them. I take my eyes off of the Lexa girls eyes and move to the rest of her. Her arms are muscular. She had a loose white shirt on that is rolled up to above her elbows but I can still see the muscles. My smile grows when I see she is wearing trousers. I hear my mother gasp which means she has also analyzed Lexa.

"Pleasure to meet you lady's." Bellamy says and he grabs Lexa hand and is about to kiss it. Lexa removes her hand and Bellamy is in shock.

"Sorry mate. I may be a girl but don't treat me like one. I work just as hard or harder than these men on this boat." She says and she shakes Bellamy's hand. She didn't wipe her hand off and I see Bellamy look at his hand that has dirt on it.

Lexa and Luna give eachother a small nod and Luna goes over to the side of the boat and starts climbing up to the sails. Lexa turns back and smirks at me.

I might enjoy this trip more than I thought.

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