Chapter 30

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Clarke's POV

Lexa is still asleep when I wake up. I slowly move so that I do not wake her. Once I have successfully gotten off the bed without waking Lexa, I get worried. Lexa is a light sleeper. That should have woken her. I quickly work to find a pulse. It's there. It's weak but it is there.

I sigh and get the bowls from last night on a tray. I fix myself up then walk out the room with the tray. After I make my way to the kitchen and clean up the bowls I go to meet Roan in the infirmary.

"Morning." The tall man says to me groggily.

"Morning... I came for some gauze for her stomach." I explain. Roan points to a bin. As I am looking for gauze he starts to talk.

"We are docking in America tonight." Roan tells me. My eyes go wide. Has it been three months already?

"That's good... we will save Lexa." Roan slowly gets you from his small desk and walks over to me.

"I have no clue how effective this blood transfusions will be. She will also need to fight off the infection." Roan explains and I turn to look up at him, "Clarke, she is already really weak... she might not ma-"

"Don't finish that!" I cut him off, "Don't... don't finish that sentence... Lexa is strong... she will get through this..." I look down, "She has to." I move around Roan, who grabs my arm to make me look at him.

"Clarke, don't be stupid... I know how much you care for her... you can't just sit there and watch her slowly get weaker and weaker until she-" Roan looks down at his feet, "I love that kid. She is different. She is special to everyone on this boat..."

"I know... that's why she is going to make it. Now let go of my arm before I get Titus." I say with authority. I have to get back to Lexa. Roan raises his eyebrow and let's go of me.

I turn and walk out. Suddenly I am faced by Luna, Raven, Lincoln, and Octavia.

"How is she?" Luna asks in a panic, "Why do you need that? What is that? What does it do? Is she okay?" Luna points at the gauze in my hands and then gets super concerned. Raven holds her arm, which seems to calm her down.

"Lexa is sleeping in bed. I am going this to change her bandage." I explain to the worried sister in front of me.

"She is sleeping... is she okay?" Luna asks for the group of people in front of me.

"She is... she will be way better when we dock and can get her to a doctor." I explain and Luna nods.

Lincoln turns to his men, "How fast can we dock this boat?!" He yells, "For Lexa!" At those words everyone works faster than I have ever seen them work.

Luna turns to Raven and kisses her head, "I have to work this boat." With that the Wood sibling runs off. Octavia gives me a small, sympathetic, smile then walks away.

Raven links arms with me as we start walking back to my room, "How are you?"

"I'm okay." I try to say honestly.

"Clarke, I know this is hard for you." Raven looks at me while we walk. I just continue looking forward, "I can see you are hurting."

"It's not about me." I shake my head then look in Ravens eyes, "It's about Lexa."

"I know... but it's not easy to watch someone you lo- you care about slowly di-" I push Ravens arm off of me to cut her off. The basket I was holding, with the gauze in it, falls to the floor.

"Stop saying that! Everyone stop saying that! She isn't... she's not... she will survive this." I point at Raven who slowly walks up to me with tears in her eyes. She takes me into a hug and I just hold her. I close my eyes to make sure that not tears escape.

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