Chapter 3

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I am sitting in my room looking at the leather jacket that is hanging on the coat stand. It's so worn and tough. It looks like it's has been through it all but yet still looks clean. Enter Raven.

"So your mother just ranted to me for a straight hour tell me what that was abo- whos is that?" Raven says walking over to the jacket. "Please tell me Ms. Hot Green Eyed Sailor gave this to you!" She says while looking at the jacket. She looks back at me and I nod. She squeals. "TELL ME THE WHOLE STORY!" She says sitting next to me on the bed.

"Well. I got mad at my mother. I ran out of the room and went to look at the water. Lexa came over. We talked for a while. She realized I was cold. She gave me her jacket. But it's not because she likes me!! It is because we are the rich people of the ship and they have to make us feel like we are home! That's why!" I say trying to explain more to myself then to Raven.

"Ya no. Have you seen her! She doesn't care if I'm cold or your mom is cold. Or Octavia is cold oh and if Bellamy was cold I think she might just die laughing. She is trying with you. Not with anyone else. With you." Raven says with a smile then she raises her eyebrows and smirks. "Somebody's got a crush!!" She mocks.

"I don't have a crush!" I try to defend.

"Oh I wasn't talking about you sweet heart. I was talking about Lexa." She says with a wink and she walks out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.


I wake to Raven shaking me. "Get up your mother want you to be at breakfast in 30 minutes. That means I have to make you look semi decent in less than an hour which is a challenge."

"Well good morning to you too." I say sarcastically as I get out of bed.

We fixed me up and get me ready. I look at myself in the mirror. I'm beautiful. That sounds self centered but I'm being honest. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes that radiate off of my skin which is soft and clean. I feel beautiful and in a world like this that's all you need.

Raven and I walk to the dining area in the ship and I stop dead in my tracks when I see Lexa and Luna talking to Titus. Lexa says something and Luna laughs. Titus (I always read Titus as Tit Us and I can't stop. And now you will never get to read it the same way. You're welcome.) looks annoyed. He dismisses them and they walk out way.

"Good morning Clarke." Lexa says with a smirk and her hands crossed in front of her. Her legs were shoulder length apart and Luna was in the same position behind her. "I trust you slept well."

"Yes I did thank you for asking." I say smiling at her. Her green eyes glow.

"I sure hope so seeing as you actually get beds." Luna says sarcastically and Lexa chucks. "Hey there." Luna says smirking at Raven and Raven shyly waves.

"Wait you guys don't have beds?" I ask shocked.

"Nope we sleep in the cold cabins with all the other sailors in hammocks if you are lucky." Luna says. "Which reminds me. I get hammock tonight."

"Alright." Lexa says shrugging. "It's not like I had it last night! I haven't had it in a month." Lexa says defending herself and turning to angle herself so she didn't have her back to me but it was easier to look at Luna.

"Wait So Lexa you sleep on a cold floor?" I ask stepping a little closer.

"Mhm. But I'm fine. I have sense I was born it's great cause I got the moldy wood board." Lexa says smiling.

"I'm sorry I don't have your jacket on me I wouldn't have taken it last night!" I say shocked that she let me take it.

"No it's okay- you were cold." She says shaking her head.

"Wait you let her wear your leather jacket? You don't even let me look at that thing!" Luna protest.

"Ya cause you are a Leach." Lexa says like insulting her sister is second nature. And Raven and I giggle. "Anyways Clarke why don't I stop by your room a little before lunch to get my jacket, does that work for you?" She asks.

"Yes of course." Ravens says before I could say anything. Luna smirks at her and she cowers back.

"Alright then I'll see you then Klarke." She says and I shiver when she says my name like that.

The twins walk out of the room leaving Raven and I blushing as we walk over to the table for breakfast.

Really short but I wanted to say that I'm sorry for the little update. My school quarter is coming to an end that means that grades are being finalized and teachers are passing out work that they forgot to give and I And in one deep rn. The quarter ends this weekend so that means I will be able to post way more often!! I'm sorry and thank your for the patience.

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