Chapter 28

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Clarke's POV

Lexa lays in my lap breathing heavily. I run my finger through her hair that's a little wet from her sweating.

I look across the doc at my mother and Bellamy who are watching in disagreement. I know what they are thinking. This is an incredibly inappropriate display of affection for public. Let alone its with someone of the same gender.

Lexa moves her head so that her nose brushes against my collarbone. A sailor had brought us a blanket that is now draped over her.

"Klark..." Lexa lets our weakly, getting my attention.

"Yes?" I ask back at the brunette that lays, broken, in my lap.

"Could... we go somewhere else?" She asks.

"I'll help you to the infirmary." I say while getting ready to stand up.

"No." Lexa responds gaining my attention, "could we... maybe the lower decks... that wood is more comfortable."

I shake my head, "You aren't going to sleep on wood." She sighs  Her breath against my skin makes me blush, "Why don't I bring you to my room." I say to her gently and she nods a little.

"Okay." She answers, breathless. I nod my head at Roan who runs over and picks up Lexa. He has been waiting and watching those two for the hour that they have been laying there.

Roan crouches down and picks Lexa up, "To my room." I say as I stand up. I look around as Lexa is brought to my room. Sailors are watching her with pity. Bellamy and Abby make their way over to me quickly.

"Clarke Griffin, Roan better not be bringing Lexa to your room." Abby says with her hands on her hips.

"He is." I say and walk around her.

"Clarke, this is inappropriate." Bellamy turns to her, "You know it goes against him."

"Against who?" I ask while turning back to the two homophobes.

"God." Bellamy states with a little nod from my mother.

"Adam was the first human on Earth right?" I say and bellamy nods, "Thats cause he was the rough draft... women were the final product... so how can I not want to be in the same bed as Lexa." I say with a small smirk and I turn to walk away.

"You're disgusting!" Bellamy calls out.

"And that right there is why I won't marry you!" I call back then go to my room. I see Roan walking out as I'm about to walk in. Roan takes my arm and whispers to me:

"She is weak, Clarke... we are almost to America... once we are there I can maybe help her... she has to be strong till then, but she is crashing." Roan looks into my eyes like I'm his only hope.

"Maybe? You can maybe save her?" I raise my eyebrow at him, "Roan tell me what is wrong with Lexa." I state and he clenches his jaw.

"The M... the knife she was cut with wasn't clean... she got an infection and I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal until it got into her blood stream... ive never seen something like this before and I don't know what to do without draining her blood... i'm trying to think of another way but I've got nothing until we get to land." Roan explains and my jaw drops.

"How deadly is this?" I ask.


"How deadly... is this disease?" I ask again with water in my eyes. He just shakes his head which gives me my answer. A tear falls down my cheek but I wipe it off as soon as I feel it.

"Don't give up hope, Clarke..." Roan puts his hand on my shoulder, "Lexa has been sick like this before... she will get through it."

I nod and go for the door, "It's not contagious either, Clarke." Roan adds while my hand is on the door knob.

"I wouldn't have cared if it was." I shrug and enter the room. Lexa is sitting up on the bed trying to stand up. I quickly walk over and touch her shoulder. She lets out a sigh of relief.

"I was worried that you were in trouble or something," Lexa sighs out, "I was going to go help."

"I'm okay, Lexa." I say, "It seems like all the sailors watch over me to protect me."

"Good... I made them vow it." Lexa nods while I help her lay back down.

"You had them vow to protect me?" I ask while getting a cloth to wipe the sweat off her head. She just nods.

"Wait, Klark!" Lexa almost yells, "Clarke get away from me!"

"What? Why?" I ask her while she pushes me a little.

"I could be contagious an-" Lexa starts panicking which causes her to cough. She doesn't stop until I see red on the sleeve over her shirt. She takes a deep breath and lays back down.

"You aren't contagious." I assure her while I get some water. She hesitates before she lets me pour some of the water into her mouth. She chugs as much as I let her. "Let me change your shirt." I say as I grab another shirt of her that Roan brought in for me.

She sits up with my help and I slowly, so I don't hurt her, lift her shirt off her. She has bandages wrapping around her whole torso. I slowly put the other shirt on her and she lays back down.

I sit in a chair next to her. She weakly turns her head to me, "How is your day, Klark?" She asks which makes me chuckle a little.

"Not too good." I shake my head while putting the cloth in cold water then putting the cloth on her head.

"How can I help." she asks me with a small smile.

"You can... you can talk to me." I say not wanting her to close her eyes, scared that she wouldn't wake up, "What was your mother like?"

"Beautiful... smart and funny... she was kind too... always kind." Lexa remembers, "She once told me... to be a leader... to be someone these sailors look up to... you need to get them to respect you... and to do that you need to show them how hard working... get kind you are." Lexa nods.

"She taught you well..." I stroke Lexa's cheek. I didn't mean to but my body took over and I just did it.

"She sure was patient... I got het eyes... Luna and Lincoln got our fathers eyes but I got hers." Lexa says with a small cough at the end. She closes her eyes.

"I would have loved to meet her." I say lightly while Lexa smiles.

"She would have loved you... because you're so smart and you know it." Lexa nods a little. Her pale skin breaks my heart, "But not in a cocky way... in a way we're you won't let people control you."

She turns her head to me and opens her eyes. I look in them for a moment. She looks like she is in so much pain. She looks like she is ready to give up but she is still holding on because of me.

"What is happening to me." Lexa asks in a whisper. I see a tear escape out her eye.

I cup her cheek, "Nothing you won't get through." I nod to her and she nods with me. "Okay?"

"Okay." She gives me a light smile as she closes her eyes, "I'm... i think i'm gonna sleep..."

"Okay." I nod. I am going to sit here the whole time to check her breathing and heart rate.

She can't leave me...

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