Chapter 8

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Clarkes POV

I am on the top deck watching Le- the sailors.... watching the sailors work. They all move around the boat like they have lived here their whole life. I guess they probably have. The ropes and the sails are like a third arm.... A sixth sense.

"Hey there." I hear behind me and jump. I turn to see a sweaty Lexa walking up to me.

"Hey... You scared me!" I say playfully smacking her arm. She chuckles. I think that hurt me more than it hurt her. Her smile fades away. She hasn't been all herself sense the Bellamy thing. "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Hm... oh ya I'm all good. The celebration of life thing going on tonight isn't really a... well... fun time... I guess." She says looking down and scratching her neck.

"You can talk to me Lexa..." I say putting my hand on her shoulder. She looks up and her eyes are full of sadness.

"I know... I have to get back to the sails..." She says and she walks away. My hand falls down to my side as she climbs up to the sails and sits on the wood just looking off at the sea.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Lincoln standing there. "Don't worry Clarke... Its just a tough day for the Woods kids... She'll be alright." He says looking up at his little sister. Luna Has joined her and they are now talking.

"What happened?" I as Lincoln.

"She'll tell you... don't worry... she'll tell you." Lincoln says and he pats my shoulder and walks away.

"Griffin!" I hear Raven say and she walks up next to me and looks up at the Woods twins. "What are they doing up there?" She asks.

"I have no clue Reyes... I have no clue...."

"Well I have some bad news.... you have tea with Bellamy and your mother...." She says and I groan as she takes my arm and drags me to the dinning area.


"Clarke I heard your quality time with Bellamy was disturbed by the Woods siblings... If you ask me to I can put in a word with the Captain and he said he would punish them any way I'd like." My mother says sipping some tea (A/n: AND THATS THE TEA SIS- im sorry... im so sorry...)

Bellamy just nods and my jaw drops. I pick up my jaw and try to help them, "No mother it's okay the Woods were just fixing things! No need for them to be punished." I say drinking some tea.

"No we are the Guest on this oat and that was unacceptable." Bellamy says to me.

"Bellamy they did nothing wrong and I will not sit here and watch you disrespect them on their boat." I say to Bellamy.

"Their boat? I payed for travel this is my boat for three months!" Bellamy says raising his voice.

"They were doing their job you rich snob!" I say raising my voice.

"Clarke!" My mother yells and I ignore her.

"What is it!? Do you fancy Lincoln or another man on this ship?" Bellamy asks now yelling at me.

"No I do not fancy anyone! I just have respect for the people of this boat as they have respect for me!" I yell.

"They have no respect for us! Those low life's feed off of our life's!" Bellamy shouts and points to the door.

"Those 'Low life's' Are what feed us and build our roads and make our clothes and suffer so we can live a life of peace! They go off and fight! They are our country's base! With out them we would have nothing!" I scream back.

"You will respect me Girl!" Bellamy slams his hand on the table and cups shatter onto the floor.

I lower my voice back to my normal volume as I look at the glass all over the floor. "I will respect no man that treats a woman like you do. I have a brain. I can think for myself. There are far more people in this world than you think. Go torture someone else." I say and walk out.

As I am walking a piece of glass goes through my shoe and into my foot. I walk far away lodging the glass farther into my foot. When I get to my room I let out a cry. A cry from the past conversation and a cry from the pain in my foot.

Raven runs in and looks me up and down. She sees my foot and runs out of the room. In a few minutes Lexa sprints into the room and is on the floor taking my show off gently. Luna and Raven come running in a couple seconds later. My crying has gone down but my foot hurts a lot.

Lexa gently holds my foot. There is blood going on her clothes and hands. "Okay Clarke this will hurt a little but It will feel so much better when I take it out okay?" Lexa says and her voice calms me. I still have a few tears coming out my eyes.

I nod and she pulls the glass out of my foot quickly and Luna gets on her knee and helps Lexa Bandage it.

Lexa and Luna stand up with blood on them. "what happened?" Lexa asks angerly.

I cry a little more and make out the word "Bellamy."


Lexa's POV

"Bellamy..." Clarke said crying. Her crying puts knifes in my heart. I grab Lunas collar of her shirt.

"Get Lincoln... I might kill a man." I say and Luna sprints to find Lincoln. Luna knows I wont actually kill him but sometimes I get carried away when I'm mad... oops...

I walk out Clarkes door and right into the room I last saw Bellamy. All I see is Octavia cleaning up glass. I lift her off the ground and set her to the side so she isn't touching the glass.

Lincoln would kill me if I didn't stop her.

"Oh god! Lexa you scared me." She said holding her heart.

"Where is your brother?" I ask patently.

"Oh um... I believe he is up on the top of the boat." She says and I walk away. I turn back. "If you touch that glass I will tell Bellamy you sneak out at night with my brother." I say pointing at her and she blush and nods.

I run up the stairs to the top deck and she Bellamy but the edge of the boat with Clarkes mother.

"Bellamy Blake!" I yell and he turns to me. I walk up to him and grab his collar. "You will regret everything!" I say and he looks scared....


That's all you get

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