Chapter 25

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Lexa's POV

I stand there holding Clarke while the sun rises. The orange tint of the sun peering over the horizon of the gorgeous ocean shows the blood on the deck from one of my sailors that got shot and the guy that I almost killed.

Clarke has stood with her hands over her ears and her head buried in my chest and I've just stood still holding her as I watch my men continue on with the day. There are some men cleaning the deck. You can smell the alcohol that they have poured all over the boards.

I have people walking up to me asking me question if what to do. Titus is no where to be seen but you can see Abby and Bellamy talking to each other on the other side of the boat.

Clarke moves her head for a moment and I look down at her and she just stops in her tracks keeping her head on my chest.

I clench my jaw as I watch Bellamy walk over to us, "Are you going to let go of her?" He asks pointing at Clarke. I look down at Clarke who can't hear what we are saying. I just shake me head.

"Nope. She needs someone to hold her right now." Is all I say and he watches Clarke move her hands from her ears for the first time in half an hour. Clarke moves her hands to my abdomen were she feels the blood from my 'M' cut. The blood has soaked through my shirt making it completely red. Her head shoots up to look at me. Her eyes are still full of fear.

"We need to get you to the infirmary." She demands while grabbing my hand and she starts to drag me around Bellamy but I just stand still and pull her back. My head starts aching and I close my eyes for a moment and then open my eyes.

"Klark... I have to stay here and help clean. My men need me." I say to her lightly. She looks at me with her lips parted.

"Lexa you aren't the captain... this isn't your job." She says to me then looks at my blood soak shirt. Her hand goes to my forehead. "Lexa you are so pale... you are losing too much blood."

I just moved her hand away lightly with my hand, "Titus might be the captain, but i'm in charge." I say to her and Bellamy clears his throat to announce his presence to Clarke. Clarke just looks at him and then back at me.

"Lexa I don't care. I thought I was going to lose you today..." She continues talking but all the noise around me slowly gets more and more muffled. Everything around Clarke gets blurry first then Clarke gets blurry. I put my hand on Clarke. She is trying to say something to me but I can't hear her.

"I gotta help my people, Klork." I get out weakly before everything goes black. I can't hear anything, I can't see anything, but I can feel it. I feel myself fall into Clarke and she tries to catch me. I then feel the hard hit of the floor. I feel Clarke's hands on my head and she holds it on her lap. I begin to feel someone lifting my up then all feeling is gone and I am numb.

Completely numb.


My head is aching when I gain feeling and sight again. The first thing I hear is Clarke talking to Roan.

"I thought I lost her... I- I don't know what I would have done." Her weak voice flows out. I keep my eyes closed I know it's wrong but I want to hear what she is about to say.

"We all did... don't tell her this but everyone on this boat looks up to her." Roan says to Clarke. I hear him walking around, "She is fearless. I mean, that's bad because she isn't afraid to jump in front of a bullet."

"Roan... what happened to her when that man fell in the water?" Clarke questions and my throat goes dry. Please tell her Roan. I don't want to tell her. I don't want to think about that lifeless boy that you carried away so many years ago.

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