Chapter 5

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Clarke's POV

Lexa clenches her jaw and her fist ball up. "Who Clarke? Was it Bellamy?! I swear I'm going to kill him!" She says and she starts walking to the door.

"No lexa! It wasn't Bellamy! Please stop and listen to me!!" I say stopping her. She stops and turns back to me. She walks up and cups my face. I flinch at the light touch. She drops her hands down then puts one hand behind her neck.

"Sorry... I- Klarke. Are you okay?" She says with a softness in her eyes.

"Lexa it's not a big deal. I'm okay." I say calming her down.

She stares at me for a minute.

"Octavia?" She says then she sees my jaw drop. "Ya she wouldn't do that... was it... one of my men. I won't hesitate to throw them off the boat." She says seriously.

"No no Lexa it... it was my mother." She jaw drops.

"She... I-" she is star struck. "Meet me 2 hours after dinner where we first talked." She says and she stops at the door. "You won't need a jacket...." she says and then walks out.

I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. How does she do this to me. How?


I walk into lunch and see everyone's smiling faces. My mother acts like nothing happened. I sit down in my spot next to Bellamy.

"How was your morning Clarke?" Bellamy asked with a smile.

"Striking." I answer with a little smile at my know joke. My mother glares at me. "How was your morning Bellamy?"

"Well other than not seeing you..." he says smiling at me. "Where were you?"

"Oh I was with mother for a little then I was with Lexa." I say and Raven raises an eyes brow at me. "Where were you Reyes?" I ask with a smirk.

"With Luna..." she mummers and looks back down at her food.

My mother clears her throat. "Clarke do you have something you mean to tell Bellamy. You said to me that you were going to spend quality time with him after lunch." She said with a fake smile.

I nod. "That I did say." I answered back and I can see Raven smiling. I glare at her and continue eating. This day keeps getting better and better.


I have my hand around Bellamy's arm. We walk slowly around the top of the boat. I can see all the sailors watching us. It's like they don't approve.

"So Clarke. I was thinking when we get to this New World maybe we would be a family ourselves." Bellamy says looking at the sea while we walk.

"Bellamy. That's a lot to ask." I say trying to dodge the attempt at him marrying me.

"Clarke we have three months on this boat. It's been a day. We have so much we could do, learn, feel, within that time. Just give me a chance." Bellamy says stopping in the middle of the boat.

"I'm sorry Bellamy. I see you as a brother. I'm not marrying my brother." I say and I turn to go.

"If I ask you again in three months will you have a different answer?" He asks stopping me.

"Maybe." I say honestly. This makes him smile as I walk away from him. As I walk I see a plank of wood falling right above me. I freeze.

I get grabbed out of the way and I fall. I closed my eyes ready for a hard impact. I land softly and open my eyes. I am on top of Lexa. She smirks at me.

"Looks like I got you falling for me." She says and I blush.

"Clarke Griffin!" I hear my mother say. I feel Bellamy help me off of Lexa. I stand up. No one helps Lexa up which makes me sad.

"Who dropped that wood!" Lincoln yelled and he walks off to some sailors.

"Clarke! Are you alright!" My mother asks. Luna comes over.

"Is Clarke alright!? She literally had someone break her fall! No one helped Lexa up! No one asked if she was okay!" Luna says pointing to Lexa who is holding her arm nods. "She is bleeding for gods sake have some respect." Luna says pushing past my mother to get to Lexa. She helps Lexa to the cabins. Lexa has a little limp.

I wanted to go after her. To follow her. I could.


Raven and I are in my room cleaning me up.

"So Luna going all big sister mode." I say to Raven and she blushes.

"I mean... Luna acts tough and scary and she is. But her heart is gold..." Raven whispers the last part.

"Awe!" I say.

"Hey! Lexa literally has you falling head over heels!" Raven says laughing.

"No! It was wood! Not Lexa! I didn't even know she was out there! I hope she is okay..." I say talking to myself mostly.

"I'll bet she is fine. She isn't gonna let you be the one to kill her. Or are you slowly killing her by going walking with Bellamy."

"Walking has nothing to do with romance Raven." I say and she scoffs.

"Yes it does."

"Well... you and Luna were walking all day today sooooooo" I say and she flicks my head.

"What are you doing after dinner, I was think about talking about our problems all night." Raven says changing the subject.

"Actually... I'm um... Lexa and I are hanging out." I say blushing.

"A DATE?!" She says excitedly.

"No! No! Keep your voice down! It's just two people getting to know each other! That's all!!" I say and point my finger at her.

"Ya sure whatever you say Klark..." she says imitating the way Lexa says my name. I roll my eyes.

I am mentally screaming.

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