Chapter 27

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Clarke POV

I brings so bread and water into the infirmary and make my way to lexas back corner. She says me and sits up with a little wince. She has been in here for 1 day... 1.

"Hey." She says with a smile. I sit down next to her and place the plate of food on her lap, "So, Roan said that the day you say i'm okay to leave the infirmary is the day i'm allowed to leave..."

"Okay great." I say nodding. I am happy I have that power. I don't want Lexa to try and leave before she is healed.

"So... I can leave today right?" She asks with a hopeful smile.

"No." I say easily.

"What? come on!" She says with a little pouting lip. I smile at her.

"It is for your health, Lex." I say and hand her water. She drinks some, "Now eat."

"Klark, I can't just lay in here all day." She says and eating some bread. I take a cloth and wipe the sweat that is on her head off. She is normally sweaty... but never this much. And she isn't really doing anything to be sweaty.

"Yes you can... are you feeling okay... you look really pale and sweaty..." I say putting my hand against her cheek while staring at her sweaty skin trying to figure out why she is like this.

"I'm usually sweaty." She states as if I didn't know... I know you are Lexa... I see you working the sails and lifting ropes bigger than your arms... I know what you look like.

"I know but-"

"Klark, I'm okay really... I just need some fresh air... can I at least walk around the boat... with you?" She asks and I look in her eyes.

"Just a walk? You aren't planning an escape?" I ask her with an eyebrow raised and she smirks a little.

"No ma'am. I will be on my best behavior." She nods and I smile at her.

"Finish your bread then maybe." I say and she looks at her bread then me and smile. Lexa eats that thing quicker than I thought she would.

"Walk time?" She asks and I smile at her. We both get up. Lexa acts like standing didn't hurt, and I bet it didn't hurt as much as it did one day ago, but it still hurt.

I link my arm around hers as we exit. I lead her to the side of the boat. She is on my left so that she is closer the the water and won't run off to help any sailors. She still looks over my head at the workers.

"Lex..." I say trying to get her attention as she quickly analyzes the boat deck.

"Mhm." She responds back.

"Don't make me bring you back to the infirmary." I threaten and she smirks down at me.

"You wouldn't dare." She grins and I laugh.

"Ah, Lexa you look all better, good to know because I have a few suggestions of things that need to be fixed around the boat... for starters-" I turn to see Bellamy in front of us. He looks so uneducated talking like this.

"Lexa isn't doing anything right now but walk around." I say to him and Lexa frowns a little but nods.

"Why not she looks fine. If you can stand you can work." He says with a nod.

"You haven't done a single day of work in your life, Mr. Blake..." Lexa says with spite in her eyes, "No offense of course."

Bellamy glares at her, "Tell me Lexa, have you ever had to sell a building to a man that didn't want it... I'd call that work." He grins.

"Tell me, Mr. Blake, have you ever had a man beat you and then carve a M into your stomach because you were protecting someone? Have you ever shot someone? Have you ever tied a knot? Have you ever had to beat someone and throw them off the boat because they went mad and tried to kill people?" Lexa moves out of my grip and walks face to face with Bellamy, "Have you ever moved heavy barrels? Have you ever had to leave someone you love stranded on an island because you can't save them and you leave knowing your never gonna dee them again? Have you ever lifted a plank of wood? Have you ever watched someone die right in front of you knowing that you are the reason that that person is taking their last breath on this Earth... I may have never sold a building before but I have done a lot more work then you could think of." Lexa speaks with her Commander voice. Bellamy just looking in her eyes. They are almost the same height. Bellamy is a little taller but only because he is wearing boats that make him so.

"You think you scare me?" He says with a gulp.

"I know I scare you." She whispers back.

"You better watch yourself-"

"Stop threatening me... just because I have to lay in bed all day doesn't mean that I couldn't whip you into shape." Lexa says and Bellamy smirks.

"You know what... now that I'm getting a closer look at you, you do look a bit pale." He says and Lexa just stares at him, "But sweaty too... you know I've seen this before... with my mother... who is now dead."

"You think a little sweat is going to scare me, Mr. Blake, then you are wrong because you're hot breath is what is making me sweat this bad." Lexa says with a smirk and Bellamy's jaw drops.

"Oh that's it-" Before Bellamy could finish there is a hand on his shoulder.

"Is there a problem over here.... Mr. Blake?" Titus asks and Bellamy shakes his head no, "Good... well then I presume you were just about to leave?" Titus asks Bellamy who nods again.

Bellamy glares at Lexa again then leaves. Lexa turns to me and I can see something is hurting her in her eyes, "We should get back to the infirmary."

"No, Klark, I'm fine." She says while covering her eyes with her hands, "It's just really bright." She says and she starts breathing heavily.

I get close up to her and she puts her hand out to hold me, "I'm just... I'm a bit dizzy... I um..." She starts slurring.

"Lexa sit down." I say and she just nods and some what falls down to the floor. She holds her head. I kneel down with her. "Lexa tell me what you are feeling?"

"I um... nothing I'm f-ine." She slurs out, "I just... need a moment." She starts breathing really heavy and Roan runs out to her.

"Lexa- Lexa drink this." He says handing her a cup of water. She reaches for it and accidentally hits it to the floor.

"I'm sorry... i'm so sorry- I'm." She looks around the deck, "I'm sorry... This is... I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I stop her by taking her face in my hands and turning it to me.

Her breathing starts evening out. She takes deep breaths as I hold her sweaty face. She just falls into me slowly while laying her head on my chest, "I'm so tired." She whispers to me.

"It's okay... it's okay, i'm here." I say as I hold her. Her body is shaking. The sailors are all watching as their leader, their Commander, their strongest sailor curls up into my lap almost in tears but still trying to hold it together.

Titus looks around then looks at his daughter, "What are all of you looking at? Back to work!" He cause out and everyone turns away.

Roan kneels down. "I can take her if you want." I look down at Lexa.

"Hey Lex... do you want to go back to your bed in the infirmary?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

"I- I can't move." She whispers to me, "It's too cold." I feel a tear fall onto my skin and I hold her tighter. What could have made her break down like this so fast. "Can we please stay like this?" She asks me and I hold her tightly.

"Of course." I whisper down to her, "Someone go get me a blanket." I saw four men run to find a blanket. Roan nods at me. We have to wait till she is asleep to move her.

I have to keep her safe like she kept me safe.

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