Chapter 31

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Clarke's POV

I don't feel her pulse... it's not there, "Roan!" I scream, I am pretty sure all of America heard me, "Luna get Roan!" I yell at her and she runs out of the room as fast as she can. I jump into action to save Lexa's life.

I get on the bed and practically sit on top of Lexa so I can put my full weight onto her chest. I put my hands in between her ribs to start pumping her heart again. I don't even know how long her heart has been stopped for. I thought she was sleeping. I thought she would wake up and give me a weak smile, like she normally does when she wakes up.

Roan runs in the room with Lexa and I. He takes in the situation and then runs to the side of the bed that we are on, "How long has her heart been out?" He asks in a hurry.

"I- I don't know." I try and stop the tears that threaten to spill out my eyes.

"Okay, you have to put your shoulders into it!" He practically yells at me. He holds his finger on Lexa's neck to feel a pulse as I keep trying to get Lexa's heart to start. We continue this until Roan removes my finger and just looks at me.

"Don't look at me like you've lost hope!" I yell at him and keep pushing my hands inro Lexa's chest. Roan slowly takes my hands off her.

"Clarke..." Roan shakes his head and I let out a cry. She can't be gone. She can't... I didn't get to tell her what she meant to me. I didn't tell her how much I really... I really care for her.

"No..." Luna starts shaking her head, "No... no. no. no!" Luna takes long strids up to Lexa's body and then hits her hard in the chest a couple of times, "You can't leave me! Not like this! Not here! You can't Lexa... You can't..." Luna starts crying and she puts her head on Lexa's head.

"In peace may you leave the shore." I slide off the bed to stand next to Luna and I hold Lexa's hand, "In love may you find the next." I let out a small whimper at the end of this sentence. Luna moves away from Lexa and over to her girlfriends arms. Raven holds her while she cries, "Safe passage on your travels...." I hold her hand tightly. Lincoln is now in the room with tears running down his face and Titus was watching from the door way, "till our final journey on the ground." I lean my face closer to her, "May we meet again." Before our lips touch i feel her shaky breath on my lips.

"Lexa?" I quickly check her pulse.... it's there, "Roan get her on land! She has a pulse!" Roan moves me out of the way and picks Lexa up. Roan runs out my room and everyone else is just left standing here like a bunch of chickens who lost their heads.

Now what? Everyone just stands awkwardly until Lincoln speaks up, "So is she... alive?" I see him try and hold back the tears in his eyes. I slowly nod and let out a shaky sigh of relief.

She is alive


I wasn't allowed to see her during the blood transfusion. My mother made Raven and I go to our new home to get our rooms set up.

It's a big house with a lot of land. I can already see some farms being built on the land. When you walk inside the house you see a spiral stair case hat leads to the upstairs. It is a grand house. One of the biggest in the town of Polis.

Only the rich live where our house is. There are many big houses with big plots of land. If you keep going down the road you will see the small town with all the shops and businesses, and hospitals.

Raven and I set up my room and then we sneak out to go into town. When we exit the huge main doors we are stopped by a main with a small smirk.

"Ello ladies. I'm Cillian." He waves at us with his ragged clothes. He puts his thumb over his shoulder to motion to a horse drawn carriage, "Where to?"

We make it to the town and the hospital. There are so many people going in and out of shops. All in a hurry like if they are in a shop for too long they might get in trouble. Then you see the rich snobs who don't care who is in there way.

Raven and I enter the hospital area. Luna and Lincoln are arguing with the doctor in front of them, "Is there a problem?" I ask with authority.

"Do you know these..." The doctor looks Lincoln and Luna yo and down. Their ragged clothes make him raise an eyebrow, "people."

"I do... they work for me and what ever they need they will get do you understand me, Doctor?" I raise my chin up to set authority. Lincoln nods at what I say and the Doctor keeps his eyebrow raise.

"They want me to give the girl pain medicine for when she wakes up... it would be a waste." I clench my jaw at what he says.

"Nothing would be a waste for her... now give her what she needs... no more no less... treat her like she is a straight white man." The doctor puffs out his chest uncomfortably and walks to the back, "I am coming with you." I nod and follow him.

We walk to the back room. I see Lexa in a bed and watch blood drip from her arm, "What exactly are you doing?"

"I am going to have her lose enough blood to get rid of the infection and fever then her body will regenerate the blood it's self. She will make it." The doctor explains and I nod at the process.

"She will live?" I ask and he pauses and turns to me.

"You care an awful lot about a random girl." The doctor tests me.

"What your tongue, Doctor, I am the one with money in this room." I keep my eyes on Lexa while he gets the medicine out of the cabins. She looks so pale and life less. I watch her blood drop into a bucket next to her.

"Her infection is clean and should be better but it will be a scar." He informs me.

"Very well... how much will this cost?" I look up at him finally.

"Well you know Miss..."


"Griffin... we could settle this pay in... another way." The Doctor raises his eyebrow and holds a smirk. I get a little nervous but keep me gaze strong.

"I- Doctor... absolutely not." I stand my ground as he walks closer to me.

Lexa POV

I can't open my eyes. I am too weak for that right now. Everything around me sounds muffled and there is a high pitched ringing in my ears.

Slowly my hearing comes back. "Her infection is clean and should be better but it will be a scar." A strange man speaks from in the room. My 'M' scar. great that will be there forever.

"Very well... how much will this cost?" Clarke. That's Clarke's voice. She is here. She is safe. She is spending money on me? I can't let her do that. I have some money saved up.

"Well you know Miss..." The strange man speaks with a hinting tone. Oh I don't like him.

"Griffin." I could change that. No stop. Keep your head straight Lexa.

"Griffin... we could settle this pay in... another way." The man says and I can feel Clarke getting scared. It's like her breath got caught and she can't move. I know her. She won't know what to do. I have to move. Show some signs of life.

I do everything I can. I just can't move. Nothing is moving. I try open my mouth but it doesn't move.

"I- Doctor... absolutely not." Clarke stands her ground and I hear the man walk closer to her. I get so angry and so scared I can finally make some noise.

"Kl." It's all I can get out, "Kl... kl... kl..." It gets their attention. I feel Clarke rush over and grab my hand.

"Doctor patch her up. She doesn't need to lose any more blood." Clarke speaks with a certain authority that makes my body shiver.

The Doctor clears his throat and I feel him work on the arm that Clarke isn't holding. Her hand brushed over my forehead into the top of my head. I feel her finger tips run through my hair and I feel safe.

I'm okay with her. And she is safe too. And we are at America. We made it. We are alive.

I'm alright.

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